Explain Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

explain the most important characteristics that a good sports shoes should have: Achilles tendon protector: Set the footwear around the heel to reduce the tension in the Achilles tendon. Heel collar: This protects the ankle and guarantees an adequate adjustment. Cover: this part is the one that adjusts footwear to the foot and is generally made of leather, mesh or synthetic material. The mesh provides better ventilation and is much lighter. Template: Protect and offer complete support to the foot and arc of it. Removable templates can be washed or withdrawn from footwear to dry between each walk. Half sole of gel, foam or air: All these materials protect and slow the impact when the foot steps...

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explain a little about these two areas. The papillary dermis which is composed of lax conjunctive tissue, collagen fibers type III and VII.It is a pale layer and contains less collagen and elastin, but more matrix. It contains blood vessels of capillary size, fine nerve branches and nerve endings, as well as meissner corpuscles and the terminal bulb of Krausse. On the other hand, the reticular dermis is non -model dense connective tissue, continuous type I collagen fibers, contains sweat glands, sebaceous glands and pylosos. Blood vessels, vascular plexus are found, both deep and superficial and nerves of the skin, free nerve endings as well as the corpuscles of Paccini, Merkel and Ruffini. We...

explain the process of, on the one hand, imbrication of the religious and the political and, on the other, of progressive secularization, is the already classic argument that Viscardi (2011) of A highlights. Piettre, societies are born in the sacred and die in statism. According to Viscardi (2011) Piettre explains that thesis emphasizing the economy, societies go through three stages: a time when religious and social norms govern societies and the economy adapts to them. In them the order prevails, but there is a deficiency of social freedom. In the search for growing freedom the economy becomes independent. It then reaches a stadium in which the normative inertia of the previous social model is...

explain what to do if a crisis occurs. What do we do once we have the plan? Once we have this computer security plan in writing, you must implement the following recommendations: Communicates the plan to all staff: make some specific employees responsible for specific areas. Make sure they have time and resources to make the recommended changes to your IT systems. Create IT and form policies. Modify IT policies so that they are in line with the security plan. If necessary, forms people so that all personnel understand how to minimize security vulnerabilities. Establish a calendar to launch the plan measures: Remember that you can take time to make great changes in the systems. MAINTENANCE OF THE...

explain why I am against the use of water in agriculture in the Arab desert. To support what I say, and therefore to be as precise as possible, I will use the country of Saudi Arabia. Brief presentation of the situation in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian peninsula, with a total area of 2.149.690 km2. Its territory, covered largely by the Rub al Khali desert, is also one of the driest countries in the world. If the country is known for its immense oil reserves, it also has important water resources, but these are fragile and limited. The presence of lakes and rivers is almost non -existent and underground reserves cannot be renewed, since the country receives less...

explain things, it should always be done from tranquility and not from screams, blows and insults. Having a fluid communication on both parties will help reach pacts and consensus. Act calmly the adult must show that he has emotional intelligence and that he knows controls tense situations.  Therefore, you don't have to lose the papers, even though it is complicated. Putting up to the little boy and talking to him with a serious, firm and authoritarian tone will be beneficial. Thus, this will understand that your attitude is not correct. Remember that visual contact is fundamental when you are pushing the boy for what he has done. Pay some routines to be able to correct disobedient children, they...

explain the true life of the composer. Developing The author of the work, Ramón Andrés, a writer who cultivated the genre of essay and poetry, who as a child was ableMonteverdi or Bach. The cliff editorial will publish in 2005 the different and original essay of 338 pages Johann Sebastian Bach: the days, ideas and books. Where it will collect information from the historical context, of thought and ideas, the experiences and music of the ingenious Baroque musician. It is strange that we almost all know the figure of Bach, but that almost nobody knows who really was. Bach's biography is an obstacle career and the heroic example of non -capitulation before the swings of everyday life with this...

explain the British decision to abandon the EU is the phenomenon of Euroscepticism, extremely extended in the country, specially in public opinion and finally, the third structural element, and intimately connected to the previous factor, refers to the ambivalent relationship of British governments with the European integration process. On numerous occasions, the United Kingdom has been classified as the "strange in Europe" home of a nation of "reluctant Europeans", and placed in the "margins of integration from the political, geographical and emotional point of view". According to the New York Times, the EU British output "weakens a block that is the largest...

explain the nature of things begins, through imprecise, non -modifiable entities and that in turn are considered necessary. In this stadium, reasoning predominates. The metaphysical spirit has served, according to this author, to tear theology in the different forms that refer to knowing. Therefore it is considered a critical and destructive phase. In addition, the intellectual summit of all entities present, in a single, is reached, which is nature. In one, nature. Finally, the positive (real) stadium, where the maturity of thought is achieved, is the last stage of the development of the spirit of man. Look for how things appear, how phenomena behave, and only interests phenomenal description and...