Creation Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

creation of the League Championship in 1928 the matches had more influx and those of Madrid and the Alleti were no exception. For the League they also played for the first time one February as in the initial occasions of amateurism. After the civil war, the use of English names in the teams is prohibited and that is when these two are ‘renamed’ as Real Madrid Football Club and Aviation Athletic Club just changed to Club Atlético de Madrid in 1947. The Madrid derby remained increasingly popular, even in 1958 he was the first to be broadcast live on television throughout Spain. Until now they have faced on almost 300 occasions, with a clear winter 148 victories against 71 of his rival and the 68...

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creation of the VCHK (1917-1922) the extraordinary commissionof Russia for the fight against counterrevolution and sabotage, also known as (the Czech), the OGPU (1923-1934) the unified political directory of the State, whose purpose was the construction of the State in the new peace and the fight against theAntisovietic manifestation, the NKVD (1934-1943) the People's Commissioner for Internal Affairs, the NKGB-MGB (1943-1954), commissioner of the People for State Security and Ministry of Security of the State, then KGB was created (1954-1991) The State Security Committee, one of the best known intelligence agencies in the world for the realization of foreign intelligence, counter -espionage, border...

creation of programs, and livestock production actions through subsidies or interest without interest focused on favoring food security, which the production of being high. (López Salazar & Gallardo García, 2015) Reach that agricultural activity is profitable at all levels, to ensure that the agricultural culture of Mexicans does not continue to be lost. Propose to stimulate the national industry related to food production and nutrition, starting from the basic agricultural, livestock and fish farm implements that solve local needs, to appropriate biotechnologies. (Larqué Saavedra, 2013) Establish the guarantee price policy of the two basic food and bean food products that give food to...

creation of projects that until then had not been raised. But without a doubt, one of the effects that has caused the most stir for the arrival of the Internet has been the consumption of musical works at the time they are available on the network;However, the impact of this phenomenon on the rap industry both in Spain and abroad has been positive. Related to this we find what we know as the dissective dissemination of some projects. As an example we can cite the case of the Spanish rap group rapists of the verse that in 2006 decided to make available to its fans its new album (live to tell it) through its website. In the beginning this action was very criticized, because it could lead to the...

creation of therapeutic techniques that have proven to be effective for the solution of different pathologies in a short time period. As in the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder (TOC), which is one of the most frequent of mental disorders and only few people receive treatment. In the process of therapeutic change we find two types of levels. In the first one a partial healing of the person's ailments is carried out, it refers to a symptomatic change. In this part, one of the problems that stop the treatment is born, since on numerous occasions people limit themselves to going beyond this first step, thus hindering the path of their personal growth. As Mary Goulding said about it: I think it...

creation of this organization was one of the most value benefits for the women of Puerto Rico, since domestic violence is a problem on the island. In conclusion, the Puerto Rican woman of the 21st century is considered an empowered and free woman. Women in today's society are an example of intelligence and strength, which is manifested in the ability to prevail the adversities in the face of discrimination that we are subject to. Throughout the history of Puerto Rico, women have passed through the rights of all. Puerto Rico should never put aside these women and their...

creation from San Agustín The existence of evil has always been one of the causes of crisis in our natural environment, this has wanted to answer questions such as: what behavior should we have before evil? What causes evil? Is it that God allows it?, Given this we have responsibility? Addressing this issue is complex and sometimes its provisional responses are the result of this. on several occasions. Evil as a problem From very ancient times or asked questions about whether God wants evil or if he does not want it, whether or not he can take it away, whether he wants to remove it or he does not want to take it out;But if God wanted to eliminate evil, why does he not? With greater understanding...

creation of all things. "Things are numbers and everything is mathematizable and reducible to numbers". According to Pythagoras, everything has its figure, and to this in turn, it corresponds to a number, according to its form; if there are no numbers then things would not exist either. Knowing the Arje of Pythagoras and how it works we will relate it to a well -known and used instrument, the piano. What is the relationship of piano and the pythagoras arje? Developing To start the piano is a musical instrument, classified as a string and percussion instrument. It has a resonance box with a keyboard, in which the steel ropes with hammers covered with felt are touched, producing harmonic...