Classroom Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

classroom and at home, must be attentive to written tasks, the diagnosis must be performed at an early age and by the school psychopedagogue, thus a faster recovery can be done to obtain betterresults. This nonverbal disorder is neurobiological base that is also known as procedural disorder, the main characteristics are: motor difficulties, saw space and coordination. “In childhood, children present alterations in psychomotor skills and in drawing, plastic and calculation tasks;In adulthood, those affected present difficulties in establishing family, friendship and couple relationships, problems in coexistence, personal autonomy and work performance ”(Ortega, 2018, par. two). That is, it is a...

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classroom,Although partially, elements of the culture belonging to the language that is being taught so that the students themselves have more awareness of their own values and visions so that they critically see their own behavior and thus urge them to investigate on their own elements elementsKey of culture that is being learned, understanding that language and culture are inseparable elements. Following in line with the author, for the purpose of this research, the cultural exhibition in a foreign country is not enough, as is the case of students subject to study, so that there is cultural understanding and improvements in linguistic competence, on the contrary, theFeelings that a foreigner feels...

classroom the teacher cannot anticipate all the cultural knowledge of their students, since many of them have not had the privilege of experiencing all or some of the cultures that students can find, however the teacher's workDo not cool only to teach knowledge but also in developing skills and could thus together with students learn about new cultures. The third component is that of the skills to interpret and relate this refers to the ability to develop the ability to compare, interpret and relate cultures through ideas, documents;Example There are words in other languages that can have another meaning in another language this would lead the student or mediator to misinterpret what is said in the...

classroom practice. The methodology is a case study to which a qualitative-empirical search will be applied: interviews with students and teachers, to find out their experiences in the educational environment and thus reach an empirical basis to understand such concept.  In addition, the historical-logical methodology is applied to understand the development of intercultural education in Ecuador and its contributions, and subsequently through hermeneutics interpret these results and finally with the educational ethnographic method, peaceful values and customs will be discoveredin unity. We conclude that the challenge is to socialize, apply and measure the peaceful coexistence of students. The...

classroom climate. At present, lack of communication, lack of affection in the home.My project is directed to strengthen the Valolres through the influence of ittic.. Many of my students come from dysfunctional homes due to this reason their behavior changes are evident. Family communication and inflation is essential in the lives of their children. According to curtain, ethics implies internal transformation, which leads to social transformation to the extent that we relate. I agree because because the human being is social by nature and needs to related to others.. To achieve the strengthening of values, pedagogical strategies with workshops are proposed in order to guide each student creating a...

classrooms, that is, not see diversity as a problem, but as an opportunity. In short, a school for all. In line with the above, a greater conviction of teachers about it is needed. These should include diversity more in their teaching, thus enriching everyone's learning would be enriched. Education is a right, so that every person has to be educated in equal opportunities, guaranteeing everyone, whatever their disability, schooling, learning and degree. That is, eliminate barriers. It is necessary to raise awareness and sensitize society on diversity, and therefore of the needs within the classroom of each student that integrates it. Make known that inclusive education is a right and give it the...

classroom. In relation to everything that has been expressed, researchers have proposed to evaluate the incidence of overness. Eloina Constanzo, belonging to the 12-03 educational district, of the Santa Cruz municipality, El Seibo province, in the 2019-2020 school year. Research problem The General Law of Education 66’97 establishes the ages that students must have according to the degree they are in basic education. When a student has two or more years above the age required in each degree, it is defined as a student in overness. The statistics at the national level show that the levels of overority reach 22% at the basic level. The Eloina Constanzo Educational Center is located in the...