Chemical Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

chemical deterioration usually irreversible. In addition, they carry with them fungi and bacteria spores, which use cellulose as a carbon source, generating spots of different colors and acids that degrade both fibers and loads and gates that make up the paper. In files with dirt and disorder they usually appear insects such as cockroaches, silver fish, beetings, termites and major organisms such as rodents. These constitute the main causes of support and information losses. In the case of mice, it has to, although they do not use cellulose as a power supply, are large destroyers of paper documents, when using them to build their nests. They are also vectors of numerous diseases that can affect the...

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chemical materials and processes have been developed that use them that damage global warming is real, there is no doubt about that. Different media worldwide transmit news about the matter, something that is serving to arouse the necessary public interest and carry out measures in this regard. Although there are still people who prefer to put aside this problem, awareness of it is already being carried out from educational centers, in this way, new generations are growing with a more consistent mentality. So, it only remains to establish forms and actions that help mitigate the effects that are causing. One more the environment.   Establish measures that help counteract the effects of global...

chemical elements are part of matter, living matter and inert their composition are different despite the fact that some elements share. Living matter shows different degrees of structural variety called levels of organization. Molecular biology has contributed a lot since those that knowledge about the function and structure of nucleic acids and proteins are the key to all living matter.Cellular biology is related to molecular biology, cell biologists study their structure at the molecular level. Bibliography Cidea. (7 of 9 of 2013). General Body Organization. Obtained from the General Organization of the Body: http: //...

chemical substances that affect these insects, since harmful particles travel through the wind and can reach anywhere, even if you only use it occasionally. Experts also recommend having flowers at home, since you do not need a very large patio for it, it is enough with a mini garden in the window of your department with flowers such as Altramuz, Astaireo Balm of Bee, since they attract them and allow them to feed themselves withYour nectar. And if you see that a bee approaches you, don't kill...

chemical weapons, which at first had the intention of causing so many casualties in dead, but rather weakening the enemy to distract their priorities. This had a great impact on the industry, because agriculture was totally damaged and even eliminated in some areas;Because at the time this was the greatest income for many nations, there was a great economic decay. ¨ Social gap and psychological discomfort “World War I provided an extremely strong social gap in the population of the participating countries, due to the large number of orphan and widows that caused." “Likewise, the survivors of the Great War had to deal with amputations, disability and permanent disabilities, which made it...

chemicals and, depending on the author's nationality or its political inclinations, more or less highlights achievements in a particular field or country. The principle of chemical domain (some anthropologists agree with the principles of modern humans) is the domain of fire. There are indications that certain tribes achieved this achievement during the era of homo erectus more than 500.000 years, and this is still one of the most important technologies today. Not only does it provide light and heat at night, but it also helps protect against wild animals. It also allows cooked food preparation. It contains less pathogenic microorganisms and is easier to digest. As a result, mortality rates have...

chemical or mechanical process that allows us to reuse it. That is why it is vital to comply with the 3rs rule (reduce, reuse, recycle) and thus avoid the accumulation of domestic and industrial waste." conclusion Every day we can appreciate with alarming concern as the Latin American environment is affected by a consumerist society without control due to the inappropriate management of waste materials, this resulting in the high environmental pollution that today has an impact on health and the planet. Likewise, technology has increased this problem due to the indiscriminate use of appliance and electronic games that lead to the exaggerated consumption of energy by the new generation. The...

chemical compound is not mobile in its solid form, although it absorbs moisture very easily, once the hydroxide is liquid it is quickly filtered into the ground with the possibility of contaminating the three layers of water. The sodium has detached from rocks and soils to go to the oceans. Seawater contains approximately 11 parts per million sodium while rivers only contain an average concentration of 9 parts per million Drinking water also has sodium, but the quantity depends on the source, sodium is an essential element for life, help in the conduct of nerve impulse Sodium is added to fatty acids to do sodium health, these salts aremuch harder with fusion points higher than potassium...