Causes of The Cold War Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

War, much of the world was devastated and as a consequence of the war many nations suffered drastic changes;As the Korean Peninsula that at the end of the second world war confrontation was divided into two Koreas (North Korea and South Korea), each with a different system or doctrine, thanks to this at dawn on June 25, 1950,  Developing Kim II Sung and the Popular Army of Korea or "Inmin Gun" crossed the border, applying the operation "Pokpoong" (storm) and invading South Korea, with the excuse that South Korean soldiers had attacked the north of the border, where theNorth Korean attack was made with the approval of the Soviet Union. Because in reality he had already been...

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war broke out, the lengthAnd transcendental confrontation for world hegemony that Raymond Aron described long ago as "an improbable state of war and impossible peace" «It is not easy to specify at what time the cold war began. There were no surprise attacks, no war statements, not even rupture of diplomatic relations. The atomic weapon, which had put such a tragic brooch to World War II contributed to the division in Europe becoming a reality. The Soviet Union developed its own nuclear investigations. The borodino operation had begun in 1942 when Stalin knew that the United States and Great Britain worked in a uranium bomb. But the problem was that they did not have enough uranium on...

war, not only the end of a long period of conflict, but also, the beginning of a stage of “noWar ”, of the Empire of Peace, as described by Francis Fukuyama by expressing“… the end of history as such: is the end of the ideological evolution of the human race and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as a form of governmentdefinitive… ”As a counterpart, the end of the Cold War brought with it two new concepts, that of global, multipolar and multicivilizational politics. When saying Samuel P. Huntington "... A fundamental axis of the world of cold postwar is the interaction of Western power and culture with the power and culture of non -western civilizations ..." In...

war), but the conflict was inevitable, the Romans managed to dismanthoping that Carthage is no longer a threat, but this only foods the hate of the Carthaginians.  After that Amílcar Barca expands his empire to Hispania, causing the Romans to look with bad eyes those actions so sign a treaty that uses the Ebro river as a border of the areas of influence both Roman and Carthaginas. ἐπὶ δὲ τοῖς προειρημένοις τελευταῖαι πρὸς ἀσδρούβαν ἐν ἰβηρίᾳ γίνονται διομολογήσεις, ἐφ᾽ ᾧ ὴ μὴ (Polybio, Stories III, 27.9) In addition, the last one was agreed in this series of treaties made with Asdrúbal in Iberia,...

War then ended, and there was great job uncertainty. Military governments predominated and it was a time of long dictatorships. At the economic and social level, despite the fact that unemployment, external indebtedness grew, and a hyperinflationary effect was generated there were abundant hyperinflations, not to mention the price elevation almost at the end of 1980. It is evident that each and every one of the events that occurred during the aforementioned period marked that generation in one way or another. Each individual perceived it differently, and all that contributes to the construction of their own mental model. Although not everyone can feel identified with their corresponding generation,...

war. (Telesur, 2019) Like Venezuela there are many more countries that are in similar or worse situations, but those countries do not have those large reserves of oil, gold or diamonds which are not a point of interest for the great powers where the media the mediaThey completely ignore those countries that we do not know also need humanitarian aid because they may not have water do not live with the necessary means to survive as Burundi and thus many more countries, Venezuela has the ability to get ahead, but without interventionism bywhich is happening this moment that only leads to more conflicts and probably to a war because all that is affecting the foreign policy of other nations and migratory...

the enormous desire of the Soviet Union for imposing communism on the whole world, which alarmed the United States, which implemented a completely different system, this led both powers to make propaganda withThe purpose of convincing the population which of the ideals was...

war. It will be then when the hostile acts of which we talked before, including the following: on April 17, 1961, the president of the United States Kennedy tries to invade the island with the aim of defeating the revolutionary government despite this attempt wasFrustrated by Cuba at 72 hours which meant a great defeat for the United States since the Cuban government imprisoned more than 1200 combatants of the opposite side;In January of 62 the United States suspends Cuba's participation in the OAS isolating it from the continent and will not be until 2009 when the US is forced to accept the reversal of this act in the General Assembly of the OAS;This same year (in 62), also apart from the...

War, Latin America was taken by rulers, who established their regime for several years violating the human rights of its citizens. United States and Soviet Union is known that;They marked all geopolitical disputes.  Especially the Americans, with the purpose of fighting communism and ending the leftist governments, thanks to this;They provided military, technical and financial support to many of these dictatorial regimes. “The missile crisis in Cuba is known as a war conflict, which occurred in October 1962, and the Soviet Union, the United States and Cuba participated in them. It has been considered one of the worst crises recorded in history during which the United States experienced a...