Case Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

case of contamination with the use of chemicals, which are often used to kill rodents that can damage the crop. These chemicals reach the sewerage system and our water supplies. They also make their way in the food chain and can present important risks to the health of predators. Using the state of Colorado in the United States as an example, the legalization of cannabis (the recreational grass was approved in a vote throughout the state in 2012) has revitalized the industrial areas of Denver that had been in ruins and generated more than $ 1,000 millions a year in taxable sales. But the voracious energy consumption of producers is touching the city's ambitions to reduce greenhouse gases. And since...

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case of animal abuse. Theoretically, the aggressor could be sanctioned with imprisonment from 15 days to 1 year, depending on the country. In Spain, promptly, article 337 of the Criminal Code provides for a penalty from three months to one year in jail for animal abusers. But in practice, a person is hardly. Most aggressors end up paying fines or performing substitute community services;mainly if they have never registered a complaint against him or were accused of a crime. In addition to Laxa, Spanish legislation - and many other countries - still does not recognize animal rights. Its scope reaches the protection of the welfare and the integrity of the animal, but does not grant them specific...

case of boxing, there are several international and local associations that organize competitions and regulate the practice of sport at a professional and fans of male and female boxing. In Spain, the Royal Spanish Boxing Federation leaves available to all citizens the regulations in force in national territory, through this link. In addition, many associations have also published codes of ethics oriented specifically for boxing professionals, as is the case of the International Boxing Association. Intentionality and civil liability in boxing As we see, the actions carried out during a fight that are framed within the boxing standards cannot be considered as damages to third parties. We could not...

cases of children of legal age have led their parents to justice to demand the payment of the food pension. And there have also been, on the contrary, cases of parents who have attended the courts for the same reason: to request the extinction of the food pension obligation of their children of legal age. Developing These somewhat extreme situations are the reflection of a new world reality of which Spain is not exempt. This is the appearance of the so -called ninis: adult children who neither work, nor study. The phenomenon is the result of a difficult economic reality that makes children more expensive and more difficult to leave home and become independent. These types of situations also cause...

case and the best argument wins. Arguing is a skill that the best lawyers must know. When talking about argumentation we have three aspects, the first of them is abstract, understand what argument is from a philosophical point. The second of them is to find the practical way in which the argument is developed, that is, the various forms that we can occupy and the last relative to the instrumental part that is the part of the opportunity to perform certain acts and join them at the end of theProcedural Day. (Cruz, 2013). The legal argument is very important because it is a conceptual and linguistic tool that will make the lawyer a good speaker, to make an adequate defense and obtain a favorable...

cases this balance is very delicate. Changes in experimental conditions can alter the balance and displace the equilibrium position so that greater or lesser amount of desired product is formed. The variables that can be controlled experimentally are concentration, pressure, volume and temperature. (Chang & Goldsby, 2013) There is a general rule that helps to predict in which direction a reaction in balance will move when there is a change in concentration, pressure, volume or temperature. This rule, known as the Le Châtelier principle, establishes that if an external disturbance is presented on a equilibrium system, the system will be adjusted in such a way that such disturbance is partially...

case, if the topic "education" is chosen, it must be delimited, for example in "Pre -basic education in Tegucigalpa", because perhaps in this way it is possible to provide new, original and interesting ideas. Talking about "education" in general would be like talking about the oceans;while talking about "pre -basic education in Tegucigalpa" would be like talking about a stream. As said out there, "it is better to speak more than less than more". At this stage it is also essential, to define the central purpose or thesis of the essay;This aspect is the compass that will guide all the way. The author must state it from his introduction so that the...