Carbon Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the carbon dioxide reaction with water to form carbonic acid. Although it seems fast, this speed makes the survival of the cells be compromised, since the time of the reaction is too slow to maintain a stable ph that allows cellular functions to be carried out properly.  The simplest way is to stipulate how fast the reaction occurs in terms of how many substrate molecules are transformed per second, as in the example of carbonic anhydrase. When we compare how quickly a catalyzed reaction is going on the absence of the enzyme, we can appreciate the efficiency of enzymes as reactions accelerators. Another way is to consider the time necessary for the reaction to...

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carbon.  Developing Water pollution begins when used oil infiltrates the ground, reaches the water table and combines with groundwater harming its quality and how it cannot be used directly, lowering its availability. Also, with the emergence of the lubricant in surface waters, it forms a dark strip that prevents the entry of oxygen into the body of water, causing death of flora and fauna. A liter of oil, contaminates a million liters of water causing the death of aquatic flora and fauna.  Atmospheric pollution is produced by the combustion of the lubricant under study, where gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are emitted. These compounds are mixed with the water vapor of the...

carbon monoxide, among others. At present, the rules of organization do not write dictate certain spaces to practice this consumption. Such is the case that in restaurants and/or recreational centers there are areas of smokers and non -smokers, this to avoid contact for people desired to the cigar and those who do not, since it is well known that there are two types of people who are affectedTo this act: Practitioners, those who voluntarily inhale the smoke of the cigar;And the non -smokers, who are those who are affected by breathing the environment the remains in the atmosphere. In many countries the minimum age for cigar consumption is at 18, however there are a large number of people who smoke...

carbon dioxide for each ton of lithium carbonate produced. And then, of course, there is the problem of what happens with batteries when they reach the end of your lives. It is thought that in the next 12 years, 11 million tons of old lithium -ion batteries will be thrown away, of which only 5% will be recycled. conclusion It can often be so harmful to the environment as well as the production of cars to gasoline or diesel. After all, steel, glass, plastics and fabrics that are used are a lot of a lot. Very few electric cars are built with adequate sensitivity to the environment. Our cities need less cars, not just cleaner cars. The answer, then, seems to be obvious. If we really want that utopia,...

carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that are discharged to the atmosphere in large quantities. For this simple reason, the most populated urban sectors are those that suffer from the greatest pollution of this type. Air pollution causes harmful impacts on people's health;Like respiratory diseases. This pollution due to the large number of vehicles. Apart from this, another way of polluting the air is through tobacco The majority of the neighbors perceive that pollution is a big global problem, so one tries to end despite the problem that affects the planet. Impact Environmental pollution increasingly damages the planet and ours. Another effect is the decline of the ozone layer,...

carbon fetid. A long time the shadow sheltered me - very time. Immense was the preparation of my being, Faithful and affectionate the arms that sustained me. The cycles transported my crib rowing and paddling as cheerful barqueros, For me to pass the stars they fulfilled their orbits, And they sent their influence to take care of what I would finally receive me. Before I was born from my mother, the generations guided me, My embryo never slept, nothing could oppress it.’ I find it extraordinarily beautiful that image of a being that has been cradled before the birth of him by the shadows, by the cycles, and the one that is combined so that this embryo that we were each of us could have...

carbon fixation phase or Calvin cycle: it passes in the stroma of chloroplasts, the ATP and NADPH energy obtained in the light phase cause the formation of organic matter through inorganic substances, the dark phase is independent sinceIt does not need light, although it can also be done with light. Likewise, glucose is the result of photosynthesis. The factors outside, which intervene in photosynthesis are: the intensity of light, temperature, lighting time, lack of water, carbon dioxide and air dioxide concentration. The organisms that have the capacity of photosynthesis are the autotrophs, in this group there are also the bacteria that do chemosynthesis since they ensure atmospheric...

carbon and reactions are studied, there is a wide range of substances, such as medications, vitamins, plastics, synthetic and natural fibers, carbohydrates, and the four Macromolecules necessary for the proper functioning of biological systems, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and DNA (Klein D., 2013). All this possible based on a special element of the periodic table, carbon and thanks to its small size and its ability to form 4 very stable simple links with other elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and some halogens (Klein d., 2013). However, this does not remove the fact that there are possible chemical elements suitable to form complex molecules, similar to carbon -based...