Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

biological changes in organisms on earth, as explained by the theory of natural selection of Charles Darwin and on the other handIt is affirmed that man this is coming from a divine being as explained by the Bible. Creating a debate between anthropology and religion that until today does not have a conclusion about who is right. At the same time there are theories that have been resolved as the explanation of the formation of the continents, through the theory of continental drift of Alfred Wegener, who said that before the six existing continents formed oneself called Pangea. Despite these situations we always find an acquisition of knowledge, either continuously or fixedly, finding an answer....

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biological fact of sexual dimorphism during the development of the personality of an individual. The motivation of such behavior in the sexual field of its biological area represents sexual dimorphism at the psychological, genital, etc., configuring the sex of the individual, that is, what basically "is": male or female. Explicitly manifests itself through morphological or genital sex. At the social level of the SS, the sexual role is expressed, that is, the role of gender assigns to the individual, according to the guidelines of culture (family, community) to which it belongs (public expression). So, the individual from birth must learn to identify with the sexuality assigned to him. What...

biological, chemical and nuclear threats, can be much less risk if the first step is carried out through drones instead of people. In addition to any performance can be faster. The measurement of dangerous material and the recognition of the area can be performed entirely with these devices. Natural fire and catastrophes research, these drones allow mapa. Thus the Civil Guard of Cantabria has acquired a state -of -the -art drone to fight fires. The chief of the Executive has commented that he stands out for his potentialities and capacities when fighting ecological crimes, detection of illegal plantations or search of people and allows the work of thousands of people to be carried out when fires are...

biological control where it kept in intervention to the pests that have arisen so far due to the elimination of these controls that were previously considered as ecological niches. The appearance of these pests has generated diseases in crops, causing losses in food security. These factors and others such as monoculture have promoted propagations. The pests are adapting and resistance against pesticides, generating that the peasants increase the dose of these synthetic compounds causing greater persistence in their toxicity. The alteration of the trophic chain, the destruction of some components is raised as part of the toxic spiral where the greatest beneficiaries are the great capitalist...

biological statistics ’. But this theory does not simply remain in advertising posters in some American states or in barbarities promoted by national socialism. There are movements, events and theories that defend the idea of white genocide in many countries of which I will talk below. USA In 2016, Donald Trump generated some controversy after retweiting the Twitter user @Whitegenocidetm whose Twitter heading image at that time included the term ‘White Genocide’. A 2016 analysis of his Twitter Feed during the Republican presidential primaries showed that 62% of those who chose to retweet in an average week followed several accounts that discussed the conspiracy theory, and 21% followed...

biological racists (discrimination that uses the characteristicsphysical people to exclude them) and cultural (justification of a historical-cultural superiority of some groups with respect to others for undervalued cultural features). Faced with this position, there is the "tolerant" that defends respect for the minormarked as "normal". Even ratifying the same logic of racism and supporting its foundation. Both positions think that cultural diversity is a problem that lacks a homogeneity of culture, when there really was never a. This leads to a great conflict, since they seek eagerly an event in vain, impossible to occur. It is also appropriate to mention that within symbolic...

biological, social and family factors, but it is not clearly defined whether or not it is a disease, if this behavior can be controlled or in the best case to prevent, so withThis reading The author not only intends to publicsubject, since it was mentioned at the beginning, we can be close to a subject that fits the characteristics indicated, even the person who appears in the...

biological diversity as the variety of life forms on Earth.  Developing This concept, according to this organism, includes ‘all living things with its particular genetic structure and covers from microscopic viruses to the largest animals on the planet’. ‘Without biodiversity, humanity has no future’ - David Macdonald, professor at Oxford University. This term, coined in 1985, encompasses all the species that inhabit our planet, and consists of different levels, which include from genetic material to species, communities and even whole ecosystems, such as coral reefs or forests.  You can understand all the knowledge accumulated by the species after millions of years of evolution in the...