Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

biological or physical condition, but for the social issues present.  From this work, in addition, the idea that female economic independence will allow the emancipation of these relationships is derived. Engels together with Max Weber point out that the concept of ‘patriarchy’ is presented as a system of power and domain of men over women, which is why the concept of ‘patriarchy’ appears linked to socialism and Marxism.  One of the fundamental figures of socialism of the early twentieth century was Clara Zetkin, a woman who participated as a leader in the German Social Democratic Party;She was the founder of the German Communist Party;She edited the newspaper "La Equality",...

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biological rhythms, which can alsoCause sleep disorders, insomnia, discomfort at the digestive level, fatigue, irritability, etc., It can also happen that these shifts and their jobs do not facilitate the obtaining of professional promotion opportunities, demotivating the guard in their performance and generating abandonment for operational employment that guarantees the same income, with the possibility of personal and professional growth. In Law 1562 of 2.012 that modifies the Occupational Risk System, stipulates the prevention of occupational hazards by the employer, who must guarantee health in all jobs in such a way that it generates adequate work environments, trying to minimize positions that...

biological body, with all the characteristics that apply to a specific person. Such characteristics include physical properties such as height, weight, facial characteristics, visual characteristics of the naked body, digital footprints, medical conditions;and biochemical properties such as blood, urine or genetic composition composition. Many of these aspects of the body are sensitive to privacy, the human body is increasingly a disputed site, since more and more access to aspects of the body are sought. Some of the main privacy problems in the workplace in relation to workers' bodies, according to Brey are the following. Medical examinations and medical background verification, drug test,...

biological rhythm and a decrease in melatonin due to the artificial light of the workplace. This has serious consequences, since the production of this hormone usually increases as the sun falls, but in this context it decreases, which is why some drowsiness can be experienced, in addition to hormonal changes. Thus, the main problem associated with nightly works is sleep alterations, specifically insomnia, since the organism is forced to sleep when you have to be awake and to be alert when it has a greater predisposition for sleep. So sleep patterns are quite affected. On the side, states of tiredness and bad mood, depressive symptoms, chronic fatigue, work stress, the appearance of bad eating...

biological root;However, the foregoing does not imply that the subject cannot subsequently reach some degree of control and intentionality in its realization. (Villasmil, 2008). Psychological processes are capacities that based the senses for each of the psychological processes, such as learning, memory, emotion, language, attention, memory among others. Thanks to these processes, the individual can capture and process environmental information in addition to constitute fundamental elements in the study of psychology allow the person to become aware of themselves and their environment, they are at the origin of any behavioral manifestation and make possiblebehavior adjustment to environmental...

biological study of behavior in its natural state whose founders were the three 1972 Nobel Prizes: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen and Karl von Frisch (Schunemann, 2010). The behavior is something complex because in all animals a behavior cannot mean the same, and that is where the great teaching that leaves us Grandin, where it is basically "put in their shoes" enters to understand. She realized that if the cattle were in a circle they felt safer and would be less fear, she became pugs like: What do they see? What do they hear? What smell? What does it feel like making a certain route? All these data were quite important to reach a conclusion. And so it happens with all the animals, it is a...

biological inheritance are mainly: save information, allow to faithfully copy such information, enable some capacity to change, of alteration of it, in addition, in addition to carry out the protein synthesis process. In 1944, Oswald Avery, C. Macleod and m. McCarty provided proof that this transforming factor was nucleic acids, that is, the genetic material of the cell are DNA and RNA. In what sense the DNA is synthesized: 3 ’→ 5’, 5 ’→ 3’ Polymerase DNA (the enzymes in charge of synthesizing DNA) only know how to synthesize DNA in the 5 ′ - 3 ′ address. That is, they are only able to add nucleotides to the 3 ′ Oh end of another nucleotide triphosphate. Polymerase DNA need an...

biological origin of why this phenomenon occurs and how. It is worth highlighting the role of the adrenal glands in the cortex, which mainly segregates glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, in addition to sexual steroids - such as estrogen and androgens. The release of these glucocorticoids depend on the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This in turn is controlled by the hormone of the release of corticotropin or CRH (hormone that responds biochemically to stress). The concentration of glucocorticoids, on the other hand, is regulated and can be enhanced or not through a negative feedback system, in which the hypothalamus role stands out. On the other hand, the hypothalamus, in addition to being...