Advantage Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

advantage to impartknowledge. As we see virtual education provides a large set of tools in different professional areas that can be carried out digitally, and so we can expand the educational offer. This new learning tool has achieved the extension of education worldwide;to create new professionals. Since this system has helped technological development rather than in past times, since the population with more students is digital education. Education: By belonging to digital citizenship people can educate themselves through the extreme educational resources in the network, to their liking, time and in the place where they are. Thus increasing literacy in society. Virtual education is a tool widely...

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advantages and disadvantages of its application during this time of confinement. Developing We know that one of the advantages of virtual education is the possibility of establishing both synchronous and asynchronous communication, although differently, the interaction between teachers and students. Another important advantage is the fact that it is not necessary for all participants to be in the same geographical region. We know that because of the context that many people were lived in our country, they had to return to their native cities for various reasons, so the fact of not being in the region in which they normally settled was not an impediment to continue receiving their classes. In...

advantage of the technological evolution to share games virtually, while we talk to Skype or Teamspeak. We know new people and create clans, we upload our achievements to social networks and live much more society 2.0. It is a way of socializing. No one puts complaints because people use WhatsApp or communicate on Facebook, but when playing video games. It is contradictory. As for training we have always heard the phrase of our mothers: "Playing video games will not make you make money, study". Founders and executives of high companies, especially technological ones, have a great passion for this world. As well as the workers who have on payroll, who disconnect from long hours in the...

advantage of the means of communication to incriminate the video games of being responsible for these massacres and to affirm that they affect the behavior of young people encouraging them to violence. Incrimination that for many people was true and created the concept that video games return to violent people. Idea totally out of the real ones, which really changes the behavior of video games are the social, psychological and family factors of the individual, which if they have a real impact on the character and behavior of the person. To solve the question about whether there is truly a connection between violent video games and the behavior of children and young people, they have done multiple...

advantage of their learning ability;Sociocultural and humanistic theories then promote the search for the elaboration and reflection of the individual autonomously through processes that are associated with social aspects. Having schools today and educational processes somehow thanks to technology and media such as the Internet, it is an unprecedented fact, therefore, it is already historical because the school continues to work from the students of the students of the studentsand teachers. At this time to continue keeping students, teachers and parents also make an unprecedented effort to investigate, try and learn new technologies, applications and teaching-learning methodologies in the hope of...

advantage of him to get to power. However, there are also other factors such as the economic crisis of the 30s that, together with the Versailles Treaty, made the war explode again in...