ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

act of deliberately removing our own lives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is the third most frequent cause of death in adolescents between 15 and 25 years of age, with an annual percentage of 4.75 in Colombia, that is, a year per year per 100.000 Colombians die from this cause 4.750. This issue is one of the most relevance has acquired over time. And this is because the adolescents for their inexperience or the lack of tools to face difficult situations choose to take their lives in order to end their problems in the easiest way. Since the adolescents go through situations where they experience symptoms of stress, pressure to achieve success, confusion and above all...

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action plan. In the First World Report of the WHO (2014) on suicide, it raises suicide prevention: a global imperative and recognizes suicide as a public health priority, aims to sensitize with respect to its importance, prevention and as a priority on the agendaworld. It also aims to motivate and support countries to develop and strengthen comprehensive suicide prevention strategies within the framework of a multisectoral approach to public health (World Health Organization, 2019). Suicide is one of the priority conditions of the action program to overcome the mental health gap established by WHO in 2008, which provides technical orientation based on scientific evidence with a view to expanding...

actors of everyday life. The basis of the suicide problem is the apparent hopelessness. Decide whether it is worth living or not life is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy. There are many personal reasons for suicides: a tragic love, contempt, bad grades, misunderstandings of others, resentment, pain, physical and spiritual suffering, black lines that it has in life. But not everyone takes their lives. For suicide, as for a social phenomenon, it means a growth of loneliness and the dlor.), a loss of solidarity and social support, which, in turn, damages more and more to the person who suffers from it. Who has the greatest risk of suffering it?  People who abuse alcohol and drugs...

actors that astronomically affect the person, so I will explain what thesubject, put examples and give prevention of how to avoid possible suicide. By analysis of the reasons that push a person to commit suicide, we can say that suicide is a complex phenomenon in which a whole complex of problems is collected: philosophical, associated with the loss of the meaning of life;psychological, associated with the development of psychological discomfort and a state of frustration;social, generated by social disorder, loss of previous social status, prestige;moral, accompanied by a torment of consciousness or the experience of duel;doctor, an example of which is a serious illness or mental disorder. To...

actors, additional, figures of this social problem in Colombia are mentioned, and finally, its preventive factors. Suicide is an “act to cause death voluntarily or deliberately” (Nizama, 2011), and 3 aspects mainly intervene: suicidal desire, suicidal idea and act as such. Lopez, Hinojal, and Bobes (1993), mention in their text, "suicide: conceptual, doctrinal, epidemiological and legal aspects", the conception of Durkheim about suicide, he considers that it is “all death caused directly or indirectly byan action or omission of the subject, carried out consciously ”. Additionally, he mentions three categories of suicide: Selfish suicide: it is characterized because it is...

act that benefits both parties involved. There are many positions on surrogacy, both against and in favor, however, there are many advantages that subrogation offers, among them, it is a possibility of forming families for those who have the desire to be parents and for various reasons notthey can. This technique is a free and voluntary act, which is done under the consent of both parties and in the case of homosexual couples, single men and women. This substitute pregnancy practice is a good option for those who want to have a baby considering that adoption is very complicated and the process can last years. As for the controversy, there are people who are against this practice referring to...

act on the behaviors of a large majority of children, either by imitation during the game, in conversations with friends, and even affecting psychologically being worrisome for family and society. I open an autobiographical parenthesis to tell that from the age of 3 he was a fan of cartoons in this case the Simpsons, but caused reactions to me being part of it, had a bad behavior at the initial level, since Ibased on the most unreal situations of these programs. I close the parenthesis to continue saying that I have seen cases in which a cartoon is a violent scenario for children, this has caused mental damage that are impactable in the world If it is understood that cartoon is a film technique that...