ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

act before a femicide, what characteristics should they carry out their writing the approved police report, as they should act before the victims or offended and victimizers, all this in attachmentto the human rights of those involved. It is urgent to solve the problem of femicide and gender violence since we should not observe feminicide as the culmination of continuous violence, but rather as a manifestation of violence against women where it can be seen that our culture is still deeply rooted in thatThe woman must subordinate, it is unacceptable that femicide exists only for the liberation of women which is the product of hate towards women for the simple fact of being so. On the other hand, it...

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action of young people with this entertainment medium. “Through video games, the subject has access to computer culture, acquiring self-confidence and electronic machine management skills. (…) ”(Alfageme G. & Sánchez r., 2003, p.02). This is currently very important in a modern society in which the management of computer media is necessary for the development of tasks such as communication, information management, project management and more. In addition, video games have been relevant to the conception that you have today for the uses that computers can offer (Alfageme G. & Sánchez r., 2003). There are also video games that can contribute to the development of skills in young people...

activities of the subject that uses them, when the word addiction is heard automatically we think about dependence on some type of drugs oralcohol. But we have to take precautions since we can have a teenager or child to video games without realizing. The change in our lifestyle and the increase in technology have led children and young people to relate more to this type of hobby, leaving aside other methods of fun such as sports, outdoor activities, gamesFamily table and games with their friends among others, in addition, many children use video games as escape mechanisms to difficulties, family problems or thus hindering the proper development of the child or adolescent since they confuse reality...

actions must and are punished by law, regardless of the infringement and to the extent that they do so. That is, we are undoubtedly in the face of a behavior that goes against the established legal order, but at this point we could ask what happens when a person is punished, sanctioned by the State's apparatus, even exercising a right. The case of Venice merchant allows us to raise this question with a clear example;We are facing the trial between the Jew and Antonio, who had requested a loan to the first one giving a pound of meat from his body as a guarantee. When he was taken to trial, the Jew, as was responsible for, claimed the payment of the acquired debt, after the deadline, and in view of...

acteristic What are vampires? Vampires are identical beings to humans, although more pale due to the lack of sun, that is, the older, the more pale the vampire, unless its genetics contains different amounts of melanin (black and Indians, for example). They have fangs they use when they are feeding, excited, angry or excited. They are immortal and their appearances will be the same as they were transformed, that is, a virgin will always have hymen, a pregnant woman will always have a belly, a person will always be skinny or fat, high or low.  Characteristics of vampires Force: every vampire, even newborn, is superhumanly strong. The older, the stronger a vampire. Speed: They are silent and...

action governed by the basic rules and principles that this gender in order to orderthe social relations that he performs in his daily life within the community. Reason why different thinkers have directed the foundations of actions and have cataloged this individual capable of living in society as "citizen", because they differentiate it from the other categories that were within the doctrine and using the quality of man forbeing a "rational animal" arrive in order to establish this category;which is characterized by the application of ethical values and principles, as well as the duty to be that man enters to live in society. Society is the way in which the human being has been...

act that the realization of values are derived from human models that invite their emergence, for example, if you believe of God, you know that there are certain values according to which you must act, these are the 10 commandments. Going out opinions from the past, according to Aristotle, virtue lies "in a middle ground between two ends, determined as a prudent human being would determine". Ethical or moral virtues: value, temperance, justice, friendship, etc. Dianotic or intellectual virtues: Aristotle refers in his opinion that ethical and moral virtues (values) determine as a prudent human being should act in society and in human relations. Returning to current times, according to...