Videogames And Their Contributions In Youth Everyday Life

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Videogames and their contributions in youth everyday life

At present, the use of virtual games is a popular phenomenon in the entertainment of young people, video games are immersed in their daily life, cultural or even educationally;referring to Marcano, B (2008) “The games have constituted a powerful learning tool for behaviors and attitudes necessary for the efficient sociocultural performance.”(P.96). Therefore, this text aims to expose how video games can influence young people in a social way, as well as in the educational or formative field.

To begin, video games in principle can contribute to the development of basic computer skills through the interaction of young people with this entertainment medium. “Through video games, the subject has access to computer culture, acquiring self-confidence and electronic machine management skills. (…) ”(Alfageme G. & Sánchez r., 2003, p.02). This is currently very important in a modern society in which the management of computer media is necessary for the development of tasks such as communication, information management, project management and more. In addition, video games have been relevant to the conception that you have today for the uses that computers can offer (Alfageme G. & Sánchez r., 2003).

There are also video games that can contribute to the development of skills in young people in social environments and also in didactic applications to the educational training of young people, as stated by Morales, and. (2010) “Video games allow to increase the motivation for learning various subjects such as mathematics and sciences in set of teachings.”(P.06). These types of games can be used for leisure, however, these games are also contributing knowledge to those who are having fun through the activity and dynamics offered to them that levels or the same game are completed.

Morales, e. (2010) also refers to video games in the school field, and for this he considers:

The use of video games as tools in schools responds to a need for use, since most students actively participate in this type of activity in a regular basis. The complexity of most of the current video games allows to develop not only motor aspects but, above all, procedures such as problem solving skills, decision -making, information search, organization, etc. From the affective point of view, games exercise significant motivation and can be used for the work of aspects related to self – esteem. In addition to video games, recently the multimedia industry has begun to design the so -called educational games (P.06)

From the types of skills and aspects in which video games can contribute, the ability to develop curiosity can be highlighted, this being important for young learning in young people, they also help the development of reasoning, memory, verbal, visual and visual reasoningSpace in young people, as well as there are aspects in video games that help the empowerment of these skills, such as arcade, sports, role, strategy, puzzles and simulations (Martín D (Martín D. & García f., 2005). All these skills are useful for the daily living of young people, since they can apply them to the resolution of problems that can be presented to them in situations that may associate with the video games with which they are familiar with playing.

However, the concept of video games has had opposition criticism, being the most important influence on young people in aggressive behaviors, this mainly due to the themes used by companies to create their entertainment products, in theCase of Pacheco, Albán and Gando (2017) mention the interaction of violent games with children:

Researchers have said that violent video games are more worrying than a movie or television, because video games are interactive, allowing user immersion. It is said that children learn better doing, with rewards for doing things in the right way, but otherwise it occurs with video games that are loaded with violent content, in these cases the user is rewarded for performing an act where the use of theViolence is the only way to continue advancing in the game (P.994)

In contrast, people affirm that research works have not worked in a elaborate manner, since these studies usually omit variables in their procedures, (Bernés P. & Pérez s., 2015) mention:

It is recommended to examine the role that other variables play such as self-efficacy, which has been seen that it has relevance in other studies, and whether or not it contributes to the relationship between empathy and aggressiveness in the use of video games. The influence of self – esteem should also be considered. (p.192).

Bernés p. and Pérez s. They also refer to the importance of understanding these studies, situations that can occur between games that require several people for their development or those who only require individual interaction and how they relate to the actions of those who are playing (BernésP. & Pérez s., 2015). This means that you cannot generalize what video games attribute to youngenvironment.

Finally, video games can contribute positively in young people through didactic methods, which are also practical, in which both social and training skills can be developed and that contribute to new knowledge that is applied daily, this being beingUseful and necessary for good development with the surrounding environment. It is true that there are materials with violent content in which they may seem to be rewarded through aggressive behaviors, but does not imply that it is replicated in real life, also, there are also games in which because of their development those who interact with them can be benefitedpositively for its content.

Bibliographic references

  • Marcano, b. (2008). Serious games and training in digital society. Education Theory. Education and culture in information society, 9 (3).
  • ALFAGEME GONZÁLEZ, M. B., & Sánchez Rodríguez, P. A. (2003). An instrument to evaluate the use and attitudes towards video games. Pixel-bit. Media and Education Magazine, 20, 17-32.
  • Corral, e. M. (2010). The use of video games as a learning resource in primary education and communication theory. Communication dialogues, (80), 7.
  • Marín Díaz, V., & García Fernández, M. D. (2005). Video games their didactic-formative capacity. Pixel-bit. Media and Education Magazine, 26, 113-119.
  • Pacheco, l. S., Albán, g. P. G., & Gando, or. P. S. (2017). Video games and their relationship with violence. Recimundo: Scientific Journal of Research and Knowledge, 1 (4), 983-1000.
  • Brenes-Peralta, c., & Pérez-Sánchez, R. (2015). Empathy and aggression in the use of video games in children. Latin American Magazine of Social Sciences, Children and Youth, 13 (1).

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