ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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acteristic of rattlesnakes is their tail, for which they receive their name. There are more than 20 recognized rattle species and they are the most poisonous snakes in North America. Developing Differences between vipers and snakes As we have said, the Cascabel snakes belong to the VIPORAS FAMILY. The vipers are normally poisonous, although not all are considered dangerous, and the snakes generally are not, or at least they cannot inoculate a poison that comes to produce serious damage. To differentiate a snake viper we look mainly on its snout and scales. The vipers usually have the fiery and smaller scales, and a pointed snout.  The snakes are usually larger, they have the largest body scales,...

act of rebellion. Hidden messages There are many art critics and critics who have investigated the hidden messages found in the Sistine Chapel. Most of them have to do with Miguel Ángel's frescoes.   In one of the scenes in the frescoes of the dome the creation appears where God creates Adam (it is the moment just after). God is involved in a dome surrounded by angels. The resemblance of that mantle is striking to put it so wraps to God with the cut of one of the hemispheres of the human brain leaving with this a very clear message to the church's hierarchies: God endowed man with a superior power and it isIntelligence. This is no accident, since Michelangelo was always a scholar of human...

act on what is happening. For this it is important that all teachers have knowledge and know how to talk about sex education.  Sexual abuse is a very frequent problem to what we know or imagine and unfortunately it is a phenomenon that remains hidden either by fear or manipulation. We know that sexual abuse is a problem that cannot be treated only by the teacher, but also need several actors, that is why it is necessary that teachers are trained and those who are in charge of giving sex education do not put him Taboo to many things to think that students are doing and undoing what they learn, on the contrary you have to teach them that their bodies have different functions and that there are parts...

acts. The term "truth" according to the SAR has several meanings, but in this case those that will be used most in the context of the topic to be discussed are: "judgment or proposition that cannot be denyed rationally" and "truth of truthful" quality ". In this essay the reasons for why and how social networks contribute to the search for truth will be analyzed. Developing Today when we see a news it is very likely that most of the information that is there belong to amateur journalists, this means, citizens who were at the scene and decided to document what was happening. For this reason, social networks have become one of the main sources of information for...

act on society . At the top of this Mesopotamian society was the king or sovereign, who monopolized all power, even the religious. The king had to have a close relationship with the gods, to whom he had to worship and protect his temples. In this way, Mesopotamian art was an anonymous art that was dedicated to the exaltation of sovereigns and gods, and intended to convey an "ideology of power" . Mesopotamian sculpture intended to reflect the characteristics of the organization of society, as well as express a strong relationship with nature. Aesthetics was not important, it was subject to religious and political ideas. For this reason, the sculptures tend to honor or idealize the character...

acts like these, today there are laws and punishments to those who do bullying, but with that it will not be enough to stop everything that happened. School violence and bullying have become one of the main concerns of Chileans in recent times. A study by World Vision throughout Latin America shows that 54% consider that violence against childhood has increased, only 19% of Chileans and Chileans see school as an effective place for the protection of their sons and daughters And 84% believe that violence impacts school results. As you can see, the figures say that only 19% of Chilean and Chileans believe that the establishments are safe, but without knowing what really happens inside the children...

actions, which not only damage ourselves, but, over time, we have realized that they harm future generations. Hence the importance of caring for the environment that surrounds us, caring for and protecting animals, taking care of forests, recycling, not contaminating water and air, etc. All these actions will collaborate for the improvement of sustainable development and when a natural disaster (earthquake, earthquake or tsunami) that harm sustainable development we are prepared and we have a better world. Developing Thomas Jordán is the director of the California earthquake center;At a national earthquake conference that took place in Long Beach, he emphasized that the San Andrés fault is one of...