According Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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According to Ruiz (2004) immigrants constitute one of the groups with the highest risk of exclusion. The fact of not being able to participate in the whole of society, has as a direct consequence the inclusion of the category of "non -citizens". For Molero et al. (2001) The fact of not being able to integrate into the new society, implies the risk of social exclusion. Immigrant people do not have a series of rights of both political and labor, economic or social nature. Martínez (2010) In his work he explains the double exclusion of immigrants, these people are beyond the reach of justice and also are outside the moral concerns of the rest of the population. The majority population,...

according to communities and on which principles and beliefs, this translates into making infants' ablation as a kind of initiation rite. Spain is currently almost twenty thousand female infants at risk of being soon subjected to the MGF, better known as female genital mutilation, this because they come from some African, Asian or the Middle East nation where this is still practiced. The renowned Wassu UAB Foundation already has a career of years working to prevent them from research, formations and much respect. This is because the laws do not seem to be enough, and it has been observed that, although everything is carried out with the best intentions, imposing ideas and giving punishment to these...

according to statistics. The number of abortions reported per year maintain a rise trend, especially from 2008 onwards. The abortion rate in fertile women since the 2004-2014 period obtained was 115 per 1000 live births, according to the Ministry of Public Health. (Wikipedia, 2017) The religious community has a firm position against abortion and promotes the right to live. Every man and every woman, if they do not want.Christians and Catholics know that the dignity of people has their deepest based on the fact of being children of God and brothers of Jesus Christ. That is why Catholics live their faith by valuing in all their dimension the terrible drama of abortion as an attack against sacred...

according to this project, the need to create public schools is established to teach girls to read and write and for adult women to learn work. These proposals were abandoned with the return to absolutism, but from the liberal triennium they restarted. In 1822, it was established that girls' schools had the same system and curriculum as children's. The schools of both sexes were also specifically prohibited. (Ruiz, 1970: 30) The new pedagogical theories helped spread the idea that it was necessary to articulate an education for women. Who defended this thought in Spain was Pablo Montesinos, who dedicated himself to boost popular education, but above all that of children and women. Paravulo schools...

According to a census that has been held since 2014, there have been 684 women killed in Ecuador, for gender reasons, which represents one every three days. Most femicides are formed by inheritance of a macho culture that, despite educational efforts and generational changes, still lasts and leaves painful footprints and hundreds of...

according to UNICEF reports, more than 200 million girls and women in the world have currently undergoing these wild practices, female ablation. Women's genital mutilation can be defined as the total or partial removal of women's external or partial cutting, all for cultural or other reasons, these practices are not for medical reasons. Normally girls under 14 years are practiced and in some cases when they are babies, with minimal medical safety conditions and presents different modalities. Reports stress that, from here to 2030, 68 million women and girls will be subjected to this brutal practice, this other form of gender violence being. This practice is classified mainly: First, it is the...

according to its article 1, is "the equality of all women members of the workforce and the health and safety of the mother and child". This agreement seeks that in the member countries the discrimination that a woman may suffer for her status as a woman at work is eliminated, in the same way she also seeks the protection of the child and not only that but also to give equal opportunities in the economic diversity ofa country. This agreement raises the protection of women in relation to labor discrimination and one of the points to be discussed is the maternity leave, indicated in article 4, subsection 1 is presented according to the International Labor Organization. Any woman to whom this...