Acceleration Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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acceleration of man's activities, such as habitat fragmentation, deforestation, human settlements, industrial development, world climate change. Some studies have shown that factors such as temperature, rainfall and humidity cause ecological changes that directly or indirectly affect the development of pathogens, vectors, evolutionary cycles that finally determine the frequency, duration and intensity of infectious foci. At the same time, the man himself creates dangerous health conditions by establishing unfavorable health scenarios, incorrect settlements or erroneous migratory patterns, high population density, poor socioeconomic contexts and health services lacking a preventive approach. Some...

acceleration of population growth. The largest occupied surface The increase in energy consumption and natural resources. Environmental pollution. Unfortunately, outside the Asian continent, urban plannings have not been sufficiently functional for society's growth. Vertical cities seek to eliminate bottling problems, contamination by means of transport and excessive housing demand. Similarly, they have the purpose of boosting technology towards the care of the planet, enhancing the use of solar panels, wind energy and water from rainy. In addition, its use would offer larger spaces for cultivation that would supply cities. The benefits they bring are: use of space;Vertical structures are a...

acceleration, so that countries, companies and people who cannot accommodate the changes will be irremediably out of care. Many professions, industries, work, products and services that existed 20 years ago, today there is no longer. Every 5 years knowledge is anticipated and replaced by new concepts. Falling asleep, it means awakening in a world that will not be recognized, in this new context where creativity and innovation take a new form and become fundamental basis of the change and competitiveness of companies. In the current knowledge economy, creativity is more important than...

acceleration of the planet's heating. Man has always been characterized by having clear ambitions, activities that increase the heating of the planet. And all this has had consequences such as thawing in the poles and many other cases that the planet is facing today. Bibliography Burns, r. (2011). Fundamentals of Chemistry. Mexico. Gonzalez, o. (2012). Fundamentals of Chemistry. Guayaquil, Ecuador. Liliana Viera, S. R. (2017). Chemical education. Elsevier, 262-268. Ramírez, v. (2014). General chemistry. Mexico: Homeland. Timberlake, k. (2011). Chemistry. An introduction to general, organic and biological chemistry. Spain: Pearson . Valladares, m. (2016). Organic Chemistry. Medicinal plants...

acceleration of greenhouse gases emission occurs. Effects on the health of change in temperatures  Climate change manifests very negative global effects on people's health. Extreme temperatures contribute to deaths due to different types of diseases, for example, cardiovascular and respiratory and, above all, in elderly people. These diseases are caused by the increase in ozone levels and other pollutants, as well as the rise in temperatures, which in turn increase pollen levels and other allergens that can affect those who suffer from asthma in a very significant way, it isSay, about 300 million people. The population does not pay the necessary attention to the phenomenon of heat waves, and its...

acceleration of networkseconomic and cultural that operate worldwide. However, it points out that globalization is not a clearly delimited object of study, much less a scientific, economic, political or cultural paradigm that can apply as a single development model, but a set of scattered and diverse narratives. Therefore, it proposes to analyze the cultural stories and images promoted by those who direct the globalizing project. This would allow to discover what globalization has of utopia and what cannot be integrated, such as the tears arising from the wandering nightmare of the people who migrate. Metaphors serve to imagine the different;Ritualized narratives, to order it. These strategies are...

acceleration of bodies in free fall was the same regardless of weight. Developing The method had to meet 4 guidelines: The observation: it becomes imperative to delimit the object of the investigation, it must be supported by observable data thoroughly, delimited and with reference to a problem to solve. Generally the problems that arise are explanatory theories where the data cannot be explained by the theory itself, but it can be through a change in the concept or an extension in the observations. Preparation of an explanatory theory: in this step a new explanation is proposed, in the form of hypothesis or provisional, in the condition of experimental verification. Deduction of the hypothesis:...