Academic performance Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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academic performance of the students".  Now, we know that young people are capricious and are not always right due to lack of experience or knowledge. Some parents tend to make decisions that involve the separation or disintegration of the home and do not do so in order to make their children feel bad, but intervene factors that make it worthy of executing them, for example: the mother can suffer abuse by abuse byof the young man's father, infidelities or does not contribute financially at home. If we realize these factors, they generate damage from before separation, because, their children are already visualizing the problems that exist at home, but specifying a dysfunction makes it more...

academic performance. It is important to know if this relationship exists regarding negative consequences in cognitive and neurological development. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the possible effects produced by excessive alcohol intake in young health. The following narrative review aims to determine the consequences of mental health in young people who consume excess alcohol in Chile. For this, studies carried out with young Chileans and studies carried out abroad, which reaffirm our goal, at the end of this review will be carried out, conclusions will be analyzed that synthesize the exposed topic, and stands will also be given for new opportunities and research proposals to this...

academic performance gradually improves, since it is in constant evaluation of improvement in the improvement in theStudent performance and thus be able to see what methods can be better so that they can understand in a better way one of the disadvantages that innovation has is that many times both teachers and students resist change which delayed the process of the process ofimprovements to be made. The innovation processes for educational quality is to involve everyone through planning, adaptation, where everyone knows the aspects and commit to move forward with the projects that have been proposed, the preparation either through training,workshops or other methods and finally there is the...

academic performance was obtained. Sport is more than a mere hobby. When young people perform physical activity they have to learn to make decisions, manage concentration and regulate their emotions, processes that are necessary to obtain good school performance.  Makes young people more resilient One of the main characteristics of athletes is the great resilience they show. Athletes do not flee from challenges or difficulties, but they face them and learn how to be better. In a study published by the University of Murcia it was found that people who practiced more physical activity obtained higher levels of resilience. Sport increases mental hardness since it teaches that you have to work very...

academic performance of the child. conclusion To finish this essay, I must comment that ignorance about ADHD continues to prevail and that this must be changed to help children who have this disorder. Bibliography Family context analysis in children with ADHD. (2008, October 1). Retrieved October 16, 2019, from https: // www.TDX.Cat/Handle/10803/10230 Pascual Castroviejo, I. (2008) Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Neuropediatría, Madrid http: // www.Acanpadah.Org/Documents/aep _-_ protocols_diagnostic_terapeuticos_de_.Nerurology_pediatric.PDF Quintero Gutiérrez del Alamo. F, lauffer straps. J, Quintero Lumbreras. F (2009). Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder...

academic performance, on the healthIt reacts to everyday pressures, in addition to the cultural and social aspects to which the subjects are subjected, because in their society, they try to achieve defined goals, prestige levels and behavior patterns that the cultural group imposes and expects from its members,so that a frustration in the realization of these aspects can trigger stress.  There are several types of stress (stress in professional workers, students, academic students). The most investigated is academic stress. Academic stress is a systemic process of an adaptive and essentially psychological nature where 4 factors are considered: academic stressors, subjective experience, moderators...

academic performance and that when dealing with this disorder would significantly decrease fear thoughts, helping to stop the mental deterioration of university students with anxiety. Therefore, the main problem to be treated in this research is the relationship that university students have with anxiety, when this is considered a high -risk group.  Anxiety refers to repeated episodes of intense concerns and excessive fears before the situation happens suddengenerating a deficit in academic performance, low or zero self - esteem, altering interpersonal relationships, maintaining a negative mood and affecting the student's mental health until reaching an academic failure. Teachers have observed...