Essay On Tolerance And Its Great Implementation

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Essay on tolerance and its great implementation

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, tolerance is respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own, according to this definition we could consider the reason for this concept, as it arose and how important it is so important is in the actual world. The lack of tolerance, “elusive” or “blurry” concept, or rather intolerance, as Giusti mentions, is present everywhere but especially in relations between different cultures. This term emerged in the West as a form of moral response to violent clashes between some cultures and also for religion issues.

By locating tolerance, it is clear that this is within the framework of the contractual liberal theory, according to John Locke, the representative thinker of that tendency who makes the tolerance of the contractual nature of the political association depend on, that is, that tolerance It is at stake when it comes to political actions as long as the constitution of this is of free and equal individuals who decide on their actions in relation to the founding contractual act, which carries from the hand a clear division between civil power and religious power , which brings consequences in the way of understanding the belonging to a culture or religion. Tolerance, which recognizes everyone’s right to be part of the constitution of power, is conceived in this framework as a product of secularization and democratization of political power, that is, the departure by the state of religion being thus being thus this non -confessional and looking for good., Which means a double gain, but still there are still limitations of the paradigm that must be counteracted, so the concept of "recognition" in debates of ethics and philosophy has been introduced, since this seeks to complement the culture of Tolerance with a culture of recognition .

The contexts in which we can notice relevant proposals and works in relation to this direction are, in the first place, multiculturalism. Charles Taylor wanted to name the culturalist claims that have accompanied the globalization process, thus having the notion of "recognition", which from the position of Taylor, appears as a negative notion to provide ears to the demand that Makes the recognition proposed by cultures that are repressed or are victims of exclusion. Those cultures can have erroneous or deformed perceptions of their identity according to what the dominant cultures propose. Charles Taylor responsible for liberalism for being "blind" to great cultural differences and also not acting despite the claims. 

Second is feminism, in which the author Nancy Fraser can be highlighted, since she rethinks the issues of feminism with respect to the new recognition model in her book Justice interruptus, thus extracting the lessons of the end of modernity and of the collapse of socialism. For Frayer, in the field of the most egalitarian socioeconomic or justice, it has not been successful since there is still the exclusion derived from the plane of identities throughout the history of women and the discrimination that has been towards them it that leads to ask questions such as when they continue these inequalities and because they occur in the day to day? . 

Finally, the third context presents Axel Honneth as the most representative author regarding this matrix. The fight for recognition takes up the notion of "recognition" . Honneth shows the actuality of Hegelian perception regarding philosophical investigations. He also seeks to show recognition not only from the point of view of the successful but also presents the perspective of failure. This leads us to ask ourselves. What does it feel like to fulfill? o What feeling causes?.

Tolerance, seen from the moral perspective, is embedded in the attitudes of individuals in which mortality and earthly existence makes them see horizons and limits that freedom has with respect to the moral, so that it has been inherited by the tradition. This is why, although tolerance has a moral aspect, it is quite relevant in the political field, where it is thought of as a calculation of political conveniences. Therefore, to live in democracy it is necessary. 

Free Essay On Tolerance And Its Great Implementation Essay Sample

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