Essay On Multiple Sclerosis

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Essay on multiple sclerosis


Muscle dystrophy is a group of diseases that cause progressive weakness and loss of solid mass. In muscle dystrophy, abnormal qualities (mutations) interfere with the production of proteins necessary to develop healthy muscles. 

There are many different types of dystrophy . The symptoms of the most frequent variety begin in childhood, especially in children. Other types do not appear until adulthood.

There is no cure for strong dystrophy. But medicines and treatment can help control symptoms and reduce disease progression. Muscle dystrophy affects the two sexes and all ages and races. Without confiscation, however the most ordinary is Duchenne’s, it affects young children as natural. People with relatives of muscle dystrophy have a more vast affection of contracting or transmitting it to their children

Epidemiology: EM is the most frequent neurological disease in young adults in Europe and North America. It is thought that the arrival of an environmental factor that would probably appear before 15-16 years is necessary, possibly in subtle or non-non-non-non-life infection and with a hereditary substrate of susceptibility. In the US.UU. A registration prevalence mortgage is calculated, about 100 cases/10 inhabitants, with about 250-300.000 affected patients. In Spain, the prevalence rate is medium high, although the cases diagnosed in the last 10 years have been significantly increased, with 50-60 cases/10 inhabitants. This is a big problem of sanitary value, temple that was respected that 50% of diagnosed patients need 15 years of being labeled help to walk, as well as psychological and rehabilitation treatments. There is an order of irregular characteristics. 

To the extensive aircraft, detecting greater frequencies between 40-60º of distance to the north. In Europe, the prevalences are high, between 100-150 cases/10 inhabitants in the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries, as in the US.UU. And Canada. Poser established the thesis according to which are produced in populations with Scandinavian background. Genetic ligation and association studies have located the genetic determinant in the short arm 6 of the difficult major histocompatibility. It is recidious with the DR2 allele and the Hoplootype DRB119. 


Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases that cause progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscles. These disorders vary at age at the beginning, gravity, and pattern of affected muscles. All forms of dystrophy m. They get serious as the muscles degenerate and progressively weakens. Most patients finally lose the ability to walk. 

Some types of dystrophy M. They can affect the heart, the gastrointestinal system, the endocrine glands, the column, the eyes, the brain and other organs. Common Child respiratory and cardiac diseases, and some patients may have a swallowing disorder. It is not contagious and cannot be caused by an injury or activity.

ETIOLOGY: Some of their genes collaborate in the creation of proteins that protect the muscle fibers of damage. Muscle dystrophy occurs when one or several genes are defective.

Each form of muscle dystrophy occurs by an exclusive genetic mutation by such disease. Many of these mutations are inherited. Without seizure, some occur spontaneously in the mother’s ovule or in the developing embryo and can be transmitted to the next generation.

Relationship with histology: although dystrophy can affect several body tissues and organs, it affects more prominence to the integrity of muscle fibers. The disease causes degeneration, progressive weakness, death of fiber, branch and division of fiber, phagocytosis (in which fibrous muscle material decomposes and destroyed by waste collection cells), and, in some cases, shorteningChronic or permanent tendons and muscles. The muscular contrast in general and the tendon reflexes are ending or lacking by the replacement of the muscle with the connective tissue and fatty matter The lesions are usually multiple and are distributed throughout the focal nervous system (CNS);Its characteristics are that they have perivenular distribution and are more frequently in the periventricular and subpial white substance. Demonization plates are of two types depending on the activity of the disease. In which acute lesion is recognized, the Major pathological phenomenon is inflammation. On the contrary, chronic lesion stands out for frank demyelination that is progressively accompanied by axonal degeneration and gliosis. 

Demonicized plates are injuries that are characterized by a loss of myelin, with relatively preserved axons and scars in astrocytes. They have particular affinity for optical nerves, the periventricular white substance of the brain, cerebellum and spinal cord. They are presented with a frequently rounded and oval morphology, although they often have elongated forms (known as Dawson’s fingers) that get to infiltrate medium and small blood vessels. Basically these lesions are made up of lymphocytes and macrophages and the identification of myelin degradation products in macrophages is the method of Civic Chairman reliability to identify active injuries. Even in chronic lesions, precursor cells of oligodendrocytes have been found. The early symptoms of EM are produced by demyelination. The recovery is based on the resolution of inflammatory edema which causes partial remielinization, which has been given in denominating as, shadow plates, constituted by fine myelin sheaths. As for the damage of axons, it is not really known how it happens

Pathophysiology: This causes damage to the white substance, although it is said that there are several factors that cause it. It produces problems when walking, respiratory problems, scoliosis, heart problems and swallowing problems. 

Some types are defined by a specific characteristic or where symptoms begin in the body for the first time. For example: Types of muscle dystrophy. 

  • Myotonic. Known as Steinert’s disease, characterized by an inability to relax the muscles at will after contractions. Myotonic muscular dystrophy is the most frequent form of dystrophy, which appears in adulthood. Facial and neck muscles are generally the first in section affected.
  • Facioescapulohumeral. The weakness of the musculature usually begins in the face and shoulders. Opocates can excel as oh dear when the person with dystrophy facioescapulohumeral lifts them or raises their arms. Usually, it appears in adolescence but can begin in childhood or even up to 40 years.
  • Congenital. This type of dystrophy affects boys and girls and is evident in birth or before 2 years. Some forms advance slowly and cause only a mild disability, while others advance rapidly and cause severe deterioration.
  • Of the escapulohumeral or pelvic waist. The shoulder and hip muscles are generally affected. People with this type of muscular dystrophy can have difficulty lifting the front of the foot and, therefore, can frequently stumble. The appearance usually occurs in childhood or adolescence.


In conclusion: muscle dystrophy is a genetic disease that has no cure, but can be treated. It can be hereditary and cause serious problems in the body since it affects breathing and heart, children or young people are most frequently found.


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