Effectiveness Of Vaccines And Their Living Components For Children

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Effectiveness of vaccines and their living components for children

Vaccines are composed of living, attenuated or inactive microorganisms that helps to generate active immunity in front of disease They are the most vulnerable to contracting very malignant diseases that can cause death in it, to obtain an efficacy in the vaccine some tests have been performed where sick and not sick people are required who have been vaccinated or not helps to verify The efficacy of the vaccine and how often it can be injected, with vaccines have been helped between 2 and 3 million deaths given by more common diseases in children such as: diphtheria, tetanus, coughing and measles.

Immunization helps to stimulate the organism or the immune system is strong , but there are many who do not, these not only decide not To more children. These vaccines help to avoid 99% of contracting the disease, but if a vaccinated child contracts it, it does not have mortal symptoms if not mild, this helps us see that vaccines are effective in disease prevention.

There are also reinforcement vaccines which are very important to continue with immunity helping our body to be prepared with antibodies to avoid the spread of the disease in our body and in the environment, however there are certain parents who believe in collective immunity This refers to the fact that the entire community of a place is vaccinated and thus avoid spreading contagious diseases and remains immune making the child healthy and giving confidence to parents to vaccinate it is not necessary, but it is a wrong idea, since The child can contract the disease of the same organism or otherwise and if this is not vaccinated, he could reach death.

We have to consider that vaccines are very effective, since studies have verified that they help everyone maintain efficient immunity and avoid many deaths in children, which are high -risk patients, since they do not have immunity of a teenager because immunity is forming through vaccines and feeding of children with this gradually the immune system is reinforced and antibodies that help the child not to get evil diseases that can end in death and also preventing that the same disease spread throughout the community eh even all over the world.

The vaccines are very safe, they are subject to very rigorous controls both in the research and manufacturing phase this control is carried by the World Health Organization (WHO), favoring an effective immune response, providing a benefit to both vaccinated people as to those not vaccinated and susceptible that live in their surroundings. That is why vaccines within medicine have helped the development of the same. 

Free Effectiveness Of Vaccines And Their Living Components For Children Essay Sample

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