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Impact of Innovation Management Consultancy Services on the Relationship between Marketing and Research and Development Functions within Organizations Name Institutional Affiliation AbstractThe current study uses case studies to develop a framework for examining the effects of innovation management consultancy services on the intra-organizational relationship. The focus of the study shall be the relationship between the marketing function and research and development function within organizations. This area of focus is based on the fact that collaboration between marketing and R&D functions is critical to the success of organizations. Therefore, the study focuses on how specific management consultancy services impact this collaboration. Six case studies involving four client companies and two consultancy companies were conducted. Participants were required to describe the effects of the innovation management consultancy services before, during and after the interventions. Based on the review of the literature, a theoretical framework was developed. The framework was utilized in linking the activities performed by consultants to organizational goals and long-term changes. Findings from this study provide insights for describing conditions under, which management consultancy services can have an impact on intra-organizational relationships. Further studies are necessary to validate the theoretical framework proposed in the current study. Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc470999307 h 21.INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc470999308 h 42.REVIEW OF LITERATURE PAGEREF _Toc470999309 h 52.1Overview of Management Consultancy Services PAGEREF
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