Drugs, Hell Open Doors

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Drugs, hell open doors

In order to start writing on this issue, the first thing we can say is that, in our current society, young people, in order to escape a reality that overwhelms them, whether due to family problems, the feeling of abandonment, the pressure of the circlesocial, low self – esteem or the fact of wanting to experience new things to be accepted by a group of friends, seek way to escape it and feel good for a moment. Some of the young people take refuge in art, others in sport, but most seek the solution, apparently, easier, the consumption of some kind of substances, with the sole purpose of creating fantastic worlds in which they areMain protagonists, believing that nothing or anyone can hurt them, however, they are not aware of all the consequences that the consumption leads to, both physical, family and social. Likewise, there are young people who are looking for a fictitious reality, there are also some who only found themselves in a bad time, at a party, in some meeting, where only for not being shameful of the offer of a substance, they accept it without knowingThe reaction that will generate in your body and are many times when your body accepts it, feel good and decide to continue consuming it. And these are the reasons why our young people give way to these substances are part of their day to day.

According to Dra. Catherine Le Galès-Camus, OMS General Deputy Director, drug addiction is "substance dependence is a chronic, and often recurrent disorder, which often concurs with other physical and mental disorders" (neuroscience of consumption and dependence on psychoactive substances,, 2004). With this definition, we can affirm that drug addiction is the dependence that generates certain substances in our body, which directly affect the central nervous system and some brain functions, generating behavior disorders, the perception of the real world is altered, the trial is distorted and the emotions are blocked.

At present, the drug world is consuming more to our youth every day. Most people have a wrong idea about what consumption means, because they believe that if a young man immerses himself in this world, it is because they have no moral principles or it is simply something that young people do for age, but it has enough forceof will to get out of it when they want. But drug addiction is more than just a social problem, it is becoming a very complex phenomenon of what most people see it. Young people entering this world, mostly do not have good emotional stability. People know that when you enter this world they don’t have many things to win. However, why do you consume?

The drug is a main factor of the destruction of the life of our young people, with the passing of the days, the drug is becoming a main part of their daily life, and they need it to be able to feel good. This substance is one that tries to be happy for a moment by leaving aside what really makes life make sense, for example, the achievements that have been giving, the moments that go with the family, the things that are keptin the heart and will always remain there.

There is sufficient evidence that states that the public and adolescents are the most vulnerable to consumption, either of illegal, legal and even medical drugs. In Peru, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco is legalized and that is why the indices of young people who consume, every day is increasing, because we are not forming in a society of great debauchery, in which to access this type of substanceIt is much easier than it is believed.

In recent studies carried out by the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida, 2013), they announced that it is alcohol, the most consumed legal substance;While it is true the initiation of substance consumption is between teenagers from 13 and 15 years old, it was announced that the lowest age is or years. It can be said that one in four students, approximately 25%, declares that he has ever consumed alcohol in his life. Starting its consumption between 8 and 11 years. However, 50% of students began consumption between 13 and 15 years. Most young people start consuming alcohol, but this is one of the substances that opens the doors to continue feeling the curiosity of knowing that another stronger substance can continue to be consumed.

Other of the most consumed drugs is marijuana, generating great concern, since each time the age of start of consumption is lower. The most worrying thing about all this is that the more Temrapno a teenager begins consumption, it is more prone to that in the future it ends up becoming an addict. This drug is one of the first that is heading within the range of illicit drugs and is one of the most dangerous, as research has revealed that marijuana has a component that arouses the schizophrenia of who consumes it.

If we see and analyze some studies about what could be the possible causes that lead to a young man to consume, we can realize that there is a big difference between what society and the young drug addict thinks. Society can affirm that a young man consumes because he is an idle, is a vague or because he does not wantIt is worth nothing and that is why it self-destructs.

Among other causes that induce our young people to consume, it is the bad parenting they received during their early stages of life. The parents play a very important role, because it depends on them that the child grows up managing their impulses, properly channeling their emotions, but above all managing to strengthen their personality and self – esteem. Something that today does not occur inappropriately, parents think that by giving them everything, young people will be fine and will know how to get out of the problems in what they are in. But it’s enough just to give them material things? According to studies, the main factor that entails that individuals consume, is abandonment either by potato, breast or both, adding to this is the lack of very permissive limits and parents.

Now, after mentioning, some causes, statistics of young people who consume and what are the most used drugs today;We will talk about the main consequences that this consumption causes, both physical, psychological, social and family. On a physical level, one of the greatest consequences is the deterioration of brain functions, they generate a codependence;With the passing of time the young man is no longer aware of what he is doing and worse does not accept that he has already become an addiction and simply continue to do so, they begin to neglect their physical appearance, they begin to commit criminal acts to be able to obtainthe substances, among others. On a psychological level, their cognitive functions begin to block, their mental health is deteriorating as the individual continues to consume, there are also changes in behavior, they become more aggressive when they are under their effect, they feel euphoric and are notaware of the attitudes they can do;He has paid attention to young people who have come to kill without any remorse. At the social level, the greatest consequence is that they are judged, rejected by the social environment, since they are associated as criminals or evil living;And this is generated because most people do not know that young people who are within this world are sick and need care in the same way as other patients. Instead of helping them out of all this and getting them once again to join society, what we do is judge them and even worse condemn them. Finally at the family level, because the ones who suffer the most the consequences are the people surrounding the consumer, in some cases the support that is provided allows the addicts to leave where they are, but in others, they are those of the family itself, with its indifference to the problem, which generates that young people sink more;They do not find the sense of living, all they feel is that they are not important to anyone and they only have to continue to take refuge in drugs to forget for a moment what happens.

As a general conclusion of what was already discussed above, we can say that we are in a society in which, instead of helping young people who fall consumption, all we do is point them out and judge them for their condition. As a society we are also an important part for a young consumer to move forward, because if he feels the support of a social group, he will be convinced that he is not alone and that his environment there are many people capable of accepting that he was wrong, but, like everythinghuman being, deserves one more opportunity to improve. Likewise, family support is vital throughout the recovery process and even much more before, because it is at home where we are forming our own self – esteem and personality, if our family educated us properly it is very difficult for us to fall into thisWorld, because we will have enough tools to face any situation, but if our family did not give us all this, we will grow vulnerable and any situation will generate that we fall into this hell. In the same way everything will depend on how capable they are young to accept that they have a disease and therefore need to have a treatment to get out of all this, because if there is no acceptance, if everyone is in favor of leaving the hole,If all the aid is aware, it will not help.

"Drugs only move you away from how big you can become and the great path that you have to go" 

Free Drugs, Hell Open Doors Essay Sample

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