Drug Trafficking, World Problem

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Drug trafficking, world problem

Through this work, it seeks to expand information about drug trafficking that, being a world problem, corrupts, corrupts and destroys society without respecting age, social, economic or cultural condition.

Drug trafficking is the largest illegal industry in the world that, in addition to serving as the main connector for many people to end their lives, this consists of the elaboration, distribution, consumption and sale of drugs, this means a large multimillion -dollar business for producers,However today drug trafficking is handled in a different way since there is no organization that covers the total market demand by choosing the new method called network that is spread throughout the American continent.

Currently, being one of the most difficult crimes to brake, it extends more easily in the lives of human beings increasingly introducing them to this corrupt world that disintegrates society, the problem of drug trafficking goes beyond the distribution of drugs ina certain site, but it entails with the political system, violence money laundering resulting in death, destruction of families and the economy of a country.


As we know the drug trafficking damages the human being from the peasant who must give up their lands to produce this substance (drug), to consumers who do not realize the physical and mental damage that are produced by consuming these substances.

We talk about drugs without considering a clear concept of what is the drug? The most successful definition for the word: a drug is any substance with the capacity to alter a biological or chemical process in a living organism with a non -nutritional purpose. They are examples of their innumerable uses, intentionally altering consciousness, case in which it is best called as a psychoactive substance;Combat a disease, increase physical resistance or modify the immune response.

Popularly, the term drug is usually used preferentially to refer to illegal use and produce psychoactivity. For medical use, the term drug, medicine, medicinal drug or simply remedy is more common. (Health and life (online), 2010)

Drug use is the problem that impacts several citizens of different social conditions sweeping everyone from the upper, medium or low class, the drug is directly associated with drug trafficking, it is like a shadow that will always be there to damage withoutimport anything.

Drug trafficking goes hand in hand with organized crime.

Criminal organizations have taken advantage of globalization expanding their networks and becoming international organizations. Globalization also brings with it the need to reform the way in which domestic institutions to combat organized crime are structured. International cooperation between national institutions is no longer enough to face international challenges such as global crime. The advance in the Latin America region and its relationship with the North American market shows that cooperation requires new institutional structures that involve the participation of state and non -state actors to seek alternatives and solutions to the serious problem of regional and global crime. (Gachuz, El Yattioui, & Castañeda, 2019)

That is why two measures are being implemented today to end drug trafficking: the war on drugs and legalization.

The war on drugs is in more conservative countries that do not opt for legalization, that is because it is believed that drugs are unacceptable in society and drug traffickers are understood as criminals who must be fought, but it should be noted thatGovernment do not think or do not consider that by prohibiting drug use (legalization) they are helping drug traffickers grow up with thousands of lives daily;On the other hand, legalization is considered one of the main tools to end drug trafficking according to (Raisbeck, 2016) “The only law that drug traffickers complies is that of supply and demand” it is assumed that when legalizing the drug, we are finishingWith the drug traffickers’ business, since this can be for sale and free consumption.

As the years go by, countries opt for different options to combat drug trafficking and benefit from the legalization of drugof maximum consumption for each substance, in 2019 in this country, the cannabis’ prevention law of the drug phenomenon. Allows it to be sown, cultivate or harvest plants, to produce, market, distribute and use medicines for therapeutic or research purposes, prior authorization from the Ministry of Health. And a provision is added that excludes substances subject to inspection of non -psychoactive cannabis.”(Diario, 2019)

There are 246 million people around the world that consume some type of drug. In most cases it is marijuana, while 48.9 and 17 million respectively use heroin or cocaine. The remaining are related to the use of amphetamines, ecstasy and other substances. All this results in an average of 187 thousand human beings die every year for drug use. (United Nations, 2010)


I conclude that drug trafficking if it is a problem in the world that affects several countries but that will gradually fall thanks to the measures that are being implemented today, we only have to wait for a future where they legalize the drug and this is used for good, managing to end drug trafficking may not fully but at least stop influencing society.

All nations must join to implement plans that put it in check, developing strategies to finally end their networks.  However, the way to find this tranquility will charge many lives and have to break international relations but it is something that should be done in order to stop drug trafficking (legalization is the solution)


  1. Cawley, m. (October 31, 2014). Organized Crime Research and Analysis. Obtained from organized crime research and analysis: https: // es.Insight Crime.Org/News/News-of-Dia/Report-Reline-Unide-Impact-Politics-Consumo-Drogas-Latin America/
  2. Diary, e. C. (September 19, 2019). Medicinal cannabis is legalized;ProBoto activists will insist. El Comercio, Page. 1. Obtained from https: // www.trade.com/Current/Cannabis-CBD-Despenalization-Reformas-Coip.HTML
  3. Gachuz, J. C., Yattioui, M. B., & Castañeda, C. B. (2019). Presentation of the monographic, organized and drug trafficking in Latin America: implications in security. International Security Studies Magazine, Vol5, 1. DOI: http: // dx.doi.org/10.18847/1.9.1
  4. Gomez, l. (2017). Opinions divided by the drug use table in force in Ecuador. The Universe, 1. Obtained from https: // www.the universe.com/News/2017/07/24/Note/6296200/Opinions-Divides-Tabla-Consumo-Drogas-Vigent
  5. UNITED NATIONS. (2010). World Drug Report.Raisbeck, d. (2016).
  6. Sagnay, J. (2017). Opinions divided by drug use table in force in Ecuador. 
  7. The Universe, 1.Health and life (online). (March 15, 2010). Obtained from health and life (online): http: // www.SLD.Cu/healthvida/search.PHP?id = 5759 & iduser = 4 & id_topic = 17

Free Drug Trafficking, World Problem Essay Sample

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