Drug Addiction

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Drug addiction


Currently, the definition of mostly accepted addiction corresponds to that of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Psychiatry Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). Under the definition present in the manual, drug use could be adjusted to the theory that an addiction constitutes a brain disease. 

Model that has contributed, through research and studies, to understand the neurobiological processes associated with the loss of control, compulsive drug consumption, inflexible behavior and negative emotional states associated with addiction.


According to this theory, addictive agents directly activate the brain reward system (particularly dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area to the Accumbens nucleus), stimulating the behavior motivated to these substances, and reducing it to behaviors aimed at other natural reinforcers, which resultsIn a compulsive consumption, where the addict uses these substances for the relief of the awareness of stress systems, which reflects a motivational withdrawal syndrome.

In this way, addictive behavior can be explained, in which despite the fact that the consumption of these substances comes to interfere with important functions of life, preventing the fulfillment of main roles within the family or community and hindering interpersonal relationships,The addict continues its use, and persists before repeated attempts to stop or reduce it.

Also, it is important to keep in mind that substance consumption does not occur in an isolated environment. People, objects or even consumption -related contexts tend to be classically conditioned to the rewarding effects of drugs, and thus become conditioned reinforcers, acquiring positive motivational valence and increasing the search and taking of drugs, evenWhen they appear alone.

Considering both the learning theory and the motivation system, a more complex addiction definition can be built, which allows us to explain the profile of the addict, in which the person obtains meaning part of consumption, context and activitiesrelated to this, in addition to having little sensitivity to other social or functional reinforcers. Finding in this way, refuge in drug use due to the isolation that deprives it of natural reinforcements, of life of life and being, primary needs for human being. 


Even in animal models there have been studies that prove that a life lacking natural reinforcing, increases the probability of addictive behavior, in turn, the preference of drug -related contexts have been seen, when this happens.

Therefore, it is concluded that an effective treatment for drug consumers must constitute a congruent intervention, which contributes to the search for alternate reinforcers, and the feeling of freedom of patients, for this a model of addiction treatment centered on addictions is proposedliberation, defined as the ability to create a life of social and internal complexity and multiplicity;the ability to choose from a variety of options;and the possibility of participating in long -term behavior aimed at objectives.

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