Desiree Baby And The Dentist

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Desiree baby and the dentist


Dentition can cause many insomnia nights and sore and swollen gums for your baby. The pain is caused by the movement within the bone of the developing jaw as new teeth break through the gums. Did you know that milk teeth are as prone to caries as permanent or adult teeth? Discover why it is important to take care of your little girl as soon as those nacred whites begin to appear. 


The first thing you should know about the baby’s dentition is that it is most likely that your baby does not show signs of cutting your teeth until approximately six months of age. This is when it will notice that the small white outbreaks begin to look through the soft red gum fabric in the mouth. While this is true, it is important to properly take care of your baby’s mouth before signs of teeth arise.

Start of a dental care routine

Taking the time to take care of your baby from an early age will help instill healthy oral care habits in your child, in addition to facilitating the process of cutting your teeth a bit. An excellent way to perform this process is to take a soft wet cloth or a piece of soft gauze and gently clean the gums of your baby and inside your cheeks. 

This helps eliminate the milk that can accumulate, reduces the amount of bacteria present and also helps your child get used to cleaning their mouths. The better the gums are, the easier and the less painful the teeth will come out. The doctor. Paul Odwyer, Dental Group Clinical Advisor Care Ireland shares the following tips for milk teeth:

Taking care of milk teeth

Milk teeth are as prone to caries as permanent or adult teeth. When a milk tooth falls prematurely or lost due to caries, other teeth can lean towards empty spaces and can cause a delay in the eruption, since the guardian is now lost. Teaching children to take care of their milk teeth from an early age will also help to pave the way for a healthy adult mouth.

Even before they appear, milk teeth have begun their trip from the second trimester of pregnancy. They usually begin to erupt in the baby’s mouth about six months, although sometimes before. The general, most children will have a complete game of 20 teeth of milk when they turn three years old.

Starting with the care of the teeth

As the first milk teeth reach approximately six months, it is often a good idea to introduce the concept of oral hygiene at this time. In my experience, parents often find it difficult to introduce brushing and establish a good oral hygiene regime at this early stage.

Apart from being a dental surgeon, I’m also a father. I used to introduce a toothbrush for children at the time of the bathroom, which allowed my young children to place the brush in their mouths and get used to the idea of brushing. To keep your mouth healthy and help establish an oral health routine, regular brushing is key. For children from 0 to 2 years, it is best brushing with a toothbrush and water.


The ideal time to take your child to the dentist is before the age of two, and preferably when the first tooth arrives. This gives you, the father, the opportunity to ask questions about diet and hygiene, and seek professional advice on the best maintenance. It also allows your dentist to establish a reference record of the health and dental development of your child, further protecting the establishment of good dental health.

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