Demonstrating The Existence Of Some Fundamental Difference Between Mathematics And Other Areas Of Knowledge

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Demonstrating the existence of some fundamental difference between mathematics and other areas of knowledge

In case of being affirmative, these differences are more than purely methodological differences.

The Babylonian method for multiplication AB = ((A+B)^2-A^2-B^2)/2. Sulba Sutras in ancient India and the manuscript Bakhshali already mentioned an algebraic formula for resolution of quadratic equations.

The scope of the concept of mathematics has evolved over time, it can be mentioned that mathematics comes from a dogma system because they are true, exact and cannot be doubted and this is what makes them highlight from the othersAreas of knowledge. In this essay we will see on the difference between mathematics and other areas of knowledge.

Mathematics is recognized as a pure formal science, but also as an applied science, this can be a tool for the understanding and development of other areas of knowledge.

The areas of knowledge will be briefly developed:

Natural sciences try to discover the laws of nature, that is, regularities in the natural world.

Human sciences could be classified as sciences because they use the scientific method to test the validity and reliability of hypotheses. However, unlike natural sciences, the phenomena they try to explain do not always have fixed and immutable laws that do not admit exceptions. Therefore, in some cases, in some cases, to resort to statistical methods to establish their findings, thus producing knowledge that is less reliable in terms of predictions. (Gotlip, 2015)

History is an area of knowledge that studies the past documented.

Ethics is the issue of moral norms

"Las Artes" is a collective term that covers the creative products of the human being and includes visual arts, performing arts and literary arts. The arts explore the experience and reality of human being and are an essential component of culture.

The arts can be understood as something that builds a bridge between personal and shared knowledge.

Religious knowledge systems offer answers to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of human life. This area of knowledge covers a wide range of different beliefs and systems.

Indigenous knowledge systems explore local knowledge that belongs only to a certain culture or society. An important characteristic is that they are not static, that is, it does not remain in the same state and experiences changes.

In all science mathematics is present and therefore the mathematical-science relationship can be used.This is why mathematics plays an important role since each of the areas of knowledge requires mathematics to fulfill its purpose. This is why we mention that to understand any phenomenon, mathematics is needed, this is part of the construction of science, all created by the human being and to be able to interpret them, the science of the language of the universe is necessary, which allows us to know byWhat happens things.

What key concepts constitute mathematical knowledge plans

Two are, therefore, the reasons that would justify interest in the study of the development and construction of mathematical knowledge. The first would lie in the fact that the teaching and learning processes of mathematics reflect and allow to address, especially basic issues for current psychoeducational research, such as problem solving processes, formal languages and notional systems ofrepresentation that act as mediators in the teaching and learning processes, or the relationship between the types of knowledge (declarative, procedural and conditional) and between these and the cognitive meta capacities. The second of the reasons refers, with great probability, to the difficulties, widely documented, which many subjects show to apprehend mathematical knowledge in the formal field of learning. 


  • Gotlip, a. (May 2015). Knowledge areas. Obtained from http: //
  • Padilla, m. EITHER. (December 2011). Development of mathematical knowledge. Obtained from File: /// C:/Users/Victoria%20 Dominguez/Downloads/Dialnet-ELDEVASCOCIMIENTOMAMATICO-61137333.PDF     

Free Demonstrating The Existence Of Some Fundamental Difference Between Mathematics And Other Areas Of Knowledge Essay Sample

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