Democracy And Politics In Ecuador

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Democracy and politics in Ecuador

 Ecuador historically for 20 years aims to have a representative democracy, but what is democracy and what policy interferes. According to (Ruiz, 2019) democracy is no longer considered, only a matter of elections for rulers, votes and electoral periods (although there and then begins). In principle, this is a broader issue of exercise and the distribution of power in society, between regions and social classes, ethnic groups, genres and other social categories;Then democracy is a political system in a form of state, participatory model, in which citizens are the protagonists and managers of political actions in Ecuador. In a country there can be no democracy without democrats, that is, a political side is required that will be permanent. Democracy is a social cause that determines the strengthening and deepening of democratic and political processes.

For 41 years we had disappointments and "democracy", according to (Mantilla, 2019) the country, like others in Latin America was governed by military dictatorships. A country to be one of the former with a return and transition to democracy. Ecuador showed that democracy is more synonymous with social justice, which changed to favor the Ecuadorian people.But let’s go on August 10, 1979 when Jaime Roldós and Osvaldo Hurtado assumed the strongest position in the country, there were good expectations in the various fields, such as the strengthening of institutionality and the rule of law, which promoted economic development, reducingthe levels of poverty and improving the imbalances in different provinces. But since everything had a negative turn and social discontent since this result of democracy was not good because they did not give attention to citizens but only focused on the political class, we can say that this democracy was full of corruption. Despite going through a continuity of democracy, the country also went through great political instability, only from 1997 to 2005 we had nine presidents. And this was when political instability worsened in the country.

Let’s start on January 5, 1997 when Abdalá Bucaram was overthrown from the presidency for accusations of corruption, and rising to Pormalía Arteaga power, which only exercised his political power for two days. Until August 10, when Jamil Mahuad assumed the presidency, but we went from bad. Before this emergency, Mahuad decreed the dollarization, thus making Ecuador the first country in Latin America that adopts the dollar as an official currency. On January 21, 200 Abdalá Bucaram is a leader of an indigenous and military uprising to overthrow Mahuad from power, and this is where Lucio Gutiérrez appears politically;He and the other civilians who were involved in the coup d’etat spent six months prisoners. January 2003 Gutiérrez is president of Ecuador, his administration as president was full of corruption, complaints and scandals of espionage and repression, on April 20, 2005 thousands of Ecuadorians went out to protest to the streets of the center and north of Quito so that GutierrezFrom his decline of political position, with the suggestion of the Gutierrez Military High Command, he flees the Carondelet Palace by helicopter.

January 15, 2007, a new president arrives at Ecuador the economist Rafael Correa Delgado, who expected a young politician, but changed things in the country.     

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