Decree On The Armed Forces

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Decree on the Armed Forces


This morning at the press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that the controversy for the decree for the creation of the National Guard that was approved both by the Chamber of Senators, the Congress of the Union, and by the legislaturesLocal was strange, and was used to generate discrepancies as it is an agreed constitutional reform. What was now done to give authorization to the Armed Forces to carry out public security tasks was approved 6 months ago in Congress, it was a constitutional reform that all parties approved 


There it was established that a decree had to be issued, and it was what was done, but there was already the approval of the Congress;Not only did the Chamber of Deputies approved, the Senate, but also most of the local legislatures, so when the procedure is fulfilled, some find out that they are giving attractions to the armed forces for security work when this was already resolvedThat is why I speak of lack of information and also of bad faith, take advantage of everything to question and exaggerate. On the other hand, he will insist on the support of the Armed Forces for security activities towards the interior of the country 

And that within the armed forces live a change that respects human rights, their experience to combat violence will be necessary. I do not want, I say it with all frankness, that the National Guard is as the Federal Preventive Police, it would be a resounding failure. That is why, even if they criticize me that I want to militarize the country, I will continue to insist that we should help us armed forces in public security tasks. I am convinced that it is necessary, and since I have no consciousness problem, so I can raise it;Every day I am aware that there are no abuse.

That there are no massacres, that there is no violation of human rights. I am pending and I am also seeing how these two institutions are adapting to the new circumstances and they are helping us. President López Obrador clarified that he works to reverse Coneval forecasts before the imminent fall of the economy because of the pandemic problem by Coronavirus. Part of the strategy so that there is no poverty because they talk about the coronavirus will increase the number of poor 10 million as I understood. We are working so that this does not happen, every day we are dispersing credit resources 


We will continue with the same, we will continue to disperse. Here is Arturo Herrera Extraordinary Secretary of the Treasury, which as they say colloquially, ‘We are giving us unemployment’ and there is no lack of money to distribute resources below;This month we have estimated to lower around 120 billion pesos. Most of that money is direct delivery as it is done with small businesses. We have delivered 16 billion pesos in total of all credits, we have already begun to deliver 1 million credits for the formal and informal sector.  

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