Corruption In Latin American Socialist Governments

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Corruption in Latin American socialist governments

Corruption in Latin American socialist governments.

Corruption in socialist governments is a full issue that is lived in Latin America and gives a lot of concern, then we will analyze the socialist government system that were almost always imposed after the triumph of a popular revolution.

Latin American socialist governments establish the social as a priority about the individual often worry about health and education, political leaders are senior social party officials, generally unique.

In socialism, imports and exports are handled by specialized companies, private property is not.

Corruption is in the vast majority of public money corruption, so its consequences affect us all both in political and social fields. While the case of corruption in the private sphere only affects the shareholders of the companies involved, when we are facing corruption with public money, the victims are society as a whole.

Reducing corruption in any country is one of the most commendable objectives that a society can pursue, in addition to one of the most demanded political leaders that are why they have an excellent life since they live from corruption.

Corruption, as demonstrated. Studies are revealed in the field, there is a positive correlation between the level of corruption and the degree of power of an individual. That is, the greater the power accumulated by an individual, the greater the degree of corruption that is suffered and in this there are many factors involved in that.

In recent years, corruption has become a transcontinental matter in Latin America. The revelation of cases, authentic framework, corruptors and corrupted that transfer national borders has been commissioned. Odebrecht, the name of the company that bought politicians to expand their works throughout the region.

Corruption has been, to a greater or lesser degree, an old tradition in Latin America. With the exceptions of Uruguay and Chile that remain respectively in positions 21 and 24 of international transparency, the South American countries are located at the middle and high levels of corruption, among the 176 countries evaluated: Brazil (79º), Argentina (95º), Peru (101º), Ecuador (120º), etc.

Socialism is defined as a system of economic and social organization, whose basis is that the means of production are part of the collective heritage and it is the same people who manage them.

Socialism is an economic system in which governments control most of the economic decisions of society and political leaders. It is a diametrically opposite system to capitalism, in which individuals control most of the property the economic decisions of society. Therefore, the greater the proportion of economic decisions that are in the hands of the government, the more socialist it is an economy.

(Tavares, 2010) mentions: “Socialism is still very distant from the governments of Latin America, it is true that the discussion about the socialism of the 21st century began in Venezuela, there was a great debate but has not resulted in depth. That means that there is no advances in anti -capitalist consciousness ”. (p.2) Socialism in Latin America has been distanced by several factors in the case of Venezuela because a man who can raise the country still does not arrive and because they have not yet created transformation processes that define socialism there is no awareness of part of political leaders.

(Dieterich, 2012) determines: "A state model that is inspired by philosophy and Marxist economy, and that is based on four pillars: regional democratic developmentalism, the economy of equivalences, participatory democracy and grassroots organizations"The Marxist economy is related to the socialist governments of Latin America since this seeks to conquer the liberation of a country creating new powers with new political leaders this has a great economy of equivalence.

(Heredia, 2008) mentions: “A socialism aims to change the economic relations system totally through the rationalization of production and work processes, the elimination of profit, sustained growth of wealth and the growing satisfaction of the needs of thepopulation ”(P.31).

This socialism seeks to achieve the ideals of economic and social justice of universal harmony since this would help a lot in the growth and wealth of the community but for this the help of political leaders is needed.

(Mendoza, 2017) mentions: “Corruption, the promotion of social conflicts and the statizations of the companies are among the main mechanisms of appropriation of these wealth, used by the left. If we observe the operation of the left -wing organizations, beyond their political speeches, we see that they are always related to some of those three mechanisms. Mercantilist entrepreneurs also seek to appropriate the resources of others. For them, corruption is the preferred modality. Beyond its ideological differences, the association between socialists and mercantilists is mutually convenient ”(P.1).

In all countries there is corruption and this is difficult to eradicate since political leaders often do not really do their job as they should but do it dishonestly and for those many of the time corruption is the best option since it would give them a goodlife for them while society has needs.

(Galindo, 2018) mentions: “Corruption has also become a creator of debates, provocative of protests, and even determining vote. He has not done so, yes, in all countries equally. Peru and Brazil, where heads of state lost their position in advance because of scandals, lead the ranking of citizenships that mention corruption or bad government as the main problem of the country ”(P.10).

Corruption gives a lot to talk about since it is a very extensive issue, but this leads us to many debates and comes hand in hand with the debates in several of the countries corruption carries a large degree of ranking since they speak very badly of the state andof the leaders who make up the government either for several situations that occur in the country.


  1. Heredia, 2008. Socialism in the 21st century. Downloaded from: https: //
  2. Elaine Tavares, 2010. Socialism in Latin America. Downloaded from: https: //
  3. (Raffino Maria, 2019). Definition of socialism. Downloaded from: https: // concept.of/socialism/#ixzz5sqabcnyy
  4. (Galindo, 2008). Characteristics of socialism. Downloaded from: https: //
  5. (Mendoza, 2017). Socialist corruption. Downloaded from: https: //

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