Corporate Social Welfare

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Corporate Social Welfare

Corporate social welfare apart from improving employee conditions as such, generates significant improvements in the results that companies seek today. It has been shown that having a good work environment, collaborators have more commitment, they have a sense of belonging, their responsibility and performance are strengthened by identifying the objectives of the company.

But is there a culture of corporate social welfare in Guatemala?, Studies conducted in 2018, by the UNITYFIT program they detail that in an average of 1,000 collaborators more than 60% live a sedentary life, it has on weight or suffers from physical discomforts, and more than 70% suffers from stress, anxiety or demotivation with a probability ofsuffer some degree of depression;Which leads us to consider that they not only have a physical but also economic impact for the collaborator and for the company by not having an optimal performance of the same.

The well -being of workers includes different elements that vary from each other, from the benefits, services and facilities for use, including other aspects;But we can determine that in Guatemala there are very complicated situations and that there are few companies that really care about the personal and professional stability of their workers.

And how do you see corporate social welfare before the Covid-19 situation? This situation has reflected the importance of a company being solidarity and worrying about improving the conditions in which the work takes place, caused that many companies have to be renewed to maintain their stability and the ways they have to do so. The most focused on corporate social welfare see. A greater interest and search decision has been seen to strengthen these principles in search of positive impacts, in which the containment of pandemic and mobilization for a prompt solution is promoted, helps the most affected by the economic crisis and development of ideasVisionary focused on health, equality, economic growth and quality education understanding that each of the collaborators are part of the backbone that companies supports.  

But one of the main bases to achieve this well -being, is the permanent constancy and commitment of the company to seek alternatives that allow the development of these principles, so that apart from obtaining results at an economic level, it is also prioritized to integrate each of theyour collaborators and all the skills and abilities that have to discover and develop their levels of satisfaction and therefore of efficiency with the work done. There are several alternatives and strategy designs to improve work environments but the importance governs knowing their collaborators and their main needs, without being based or compared with methodologies used by other companies successfully.  

In conclusion, promoting corporate social welfare goes beyond that it is achieved momentarily, or providing benefits without focusing on the main needs, it is rather to turn it into a culture that is vitally important to implement because we recognize the value of each person for everythingthat he is able to achieve and that he does not feel that his work is simply one more obligation to meet, but that he feels an important part of a project that can transcend in the lives of other people. 

Free Corporate Social Welfare Essay Sample

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