Control of Brazil

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CONTROL OF BRAZIL The world is on the threshold of environmental pollution. Almost every activity carried out by human beings is a threat to the environment. While some countries are economically better than others, some depend on natural resources for their survival. For that reason, the issue of environmental conservation fall under debate not only internally as a state but the whole world looks into the issue. Countries like Brazil have fallen victims to such discussions since they have the richest natural resource in the world. Sovereignty is threatened when the world wants to take control of a country’s natural resources. This essay examines why control over Brazil has not yet been successful. Amazon is one of the biggest rainforest forests in the world. Amazon hosts thousands of species of plants and animals. It is one of the world’s diverse ecosystems making it the most valuable natural resource the world has ever known. Never the less Brazil has the poorest population in Latin America. Most of its population live in slums and depend on the rainforest for survival. It makes the control and management of the resource. The country has had many challenges protecting the forest due to illegal logging and legal logging both threatening the existence of the forest. On the other hand, environmentalists fear that the activities going on in Brazil might render the forest extinct in the next few decades. Nonetheless, they cannot gain control of the resource since Brazil is an independent country with a government that has been making tireless efforts to protect its natural resources. Environmentalists are significant people since they protect the environment. Most

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