Chemistry, Derivation Of Human Curiosity

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Chemistry, derivation of human curiosity

The human being is undoubtedly one of the most complex living beings known, not only for their way of developing in the middle, but also for their reasoning and their eternal curiosity. These are, the main characteristics that differentiate us from other organisms, evidenced in our historical past and the culture we have.

Each of the stages, which as a species we have lived, have been enriching source of knowledge, which are currently for us, a sum of what we so far know and understand. That is why each field of knowledge, has in itself, its own career and struggle to be what it is today and, above all, to provide us with the knowledge that allows us to improve more every day. In this sense of ideas, it would be inappropriate to belittle an event (however absurd.

Curiosity, perhaps a characteristic attributed to infants, is the protagonist of our knowledge, and together with this, the survival instinct and subsequently the search for comfort. Since the beginning of humanity, he has empirically learned various issues that at this time have a simple logic, such as the water cycle; At that time it was understood by experience, that is, for them, the rain was an event that was presented by the great accumulation and darkening of the clouds. This happened for a long time, both external and internal phenomena were understood as a result of a set of experiences.

However, man during his existence, eternal questions have been asked: how? And because? And this is when he, he begins to give him different explanations to calm his perpetual thirst for knowledge. And as one of the many examples that could be within our history, is that of the venerated chemistry.

Although we seem "stupid" the ancient mysticism, it was that essay-error that allowed us to now enjoy theories that explain most things rationally; Modern pharmacology, is the result of concoctions, potions and natural remedies, made from different plants that were known that they were good for some type of ailment, disease, or to calm pain and cause numbness; This is the case of morphine, an alkaloid derived from poppy (a plant). Now, we can thanks to the advance of science, know why and how this substance results in this effect.

Chemistry is really the perfect example of what each science does from its field, try to understand from what it knows and studies, what man is and what surrounds him; This does so from the explanation of the composition of everything, this being influential in our daily processes; We eat, we breathe, we think chemistry (literally); And that thirst to know, what he has done is to be able to capture and know with details, names and structures, those things that we already lived and observed from the beginning of our history.

Absolutely everything is related, an example is medicine, a field in which man must be studied from its most micro structure to the most macro, where each of the sciences that support it are fundamental, and in which it must be understood all the processes that the human performs as a living being and matter. Chemistry guides us on the way to understanding ourselves, through the similarity we have with everything around us; This being fundamental, like each of the sciences that we have created, which seek to give those long -awaited answers that curiosity screams us.

Bibliographic references

  • Sánchez, M (2004). Drugs born of plants. The country. Recovered from https: //

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