Chapter 5

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Name Date Federalism and State policies- Chapter 5 Federalism is a political system constituting both local government units and the national government. The final decision under federalism is made by involving some governmental authorities. It is also a political structure that unites smaller ideologies by ensuring that power is distributed among the small and major national system in a country. Chapter 5 provides several arguments on federalism in the United States, for instance, federalism helps protect the minority against the tyranny by ensuring the government structure incorporates even the opposite and rival ideologies. The chapter criticizes Republican principles as lacking enough protection to an individual’s liberty and believes that Federalism provides policy diversity in the entire state as it aims at reducing conflicts, disperse power, and enhance political participation. With this, it encourages new policies to improve the efficiency of the government. American federalism has changed for over two centuries with the national government benefiting in terms of gaining power. Coercive Federalism entails Washington directing its mandates to the government while leaving the traditional matters to the states. Representational federalism, on the contrary, believes that there isn’t separation of duties between the national government and the states. Power has been concentrated in the government for long and not the states due to the huge financial resources required by the national government to support the entire United States. These States are required to follow federal laws for them to get federal funding. Due to this, the states have relied on the

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