Autism And Diversity Spectrum Disorders

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Autism and Diversity spectrum disorders

According to the DSM-V, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are included in a new category called: Neurodevelopment disorders. In this category, intellectual development, communication, engines, learning and hyperactivity deficit disorders are also included. http: // www.Team This change in classification forces us to a modification in the perception of this type of pathologies, and therefore addressing it from the point of view of how the person interacts with their social environment.

In this sense, autism is presented as a spectrum of disorders that can cover different behavioral forms, that is, it presents in itself diversity. Given the complexity and variability of the clinical manifestations, in the DSM-V it was decided.

Why the changes?

While the TEAs are not the only ones who suffered significant modifications, the change was essential to delimit the new diagnostic criteria. And, now we have much more information than before, partly due to the awareness campaigns of these WWNS disorders; And also due to the interest that has been aroused in recent years by the scientific community.

At present, the major diagnostic criteria are 5:

  • Persistent deficits in communication and social interaction.
  • Repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests.
  • Symptoms must occur at early childhood.
  • The set of symptoms limit and alter daily functioning.
  • Alterations are not best explained by intellectual disability or the global delay of development, although they are usually comorbidities.

Each of these criteria can manifest in different ways that also collected the DSM-V; And it is established that the severity of the same according to the degree of help necessary in each one: you need very remarkable help, you need remarkable help or need help.

Adapting paradigms

The grouping of all these behaviors in the great Tea group forces us to stop thinking about autism as a disease, and drives us more to accept it as a life condition in the field of diversity. Like people with reduced mobility or those with auditory and visual deficiencies, people with autism must be integrated into schooling and working life, provided that their intellectual capacity is preserved.

We must stop mitigating them and establishing meaningless generalizations, such as that all brilliant people have suffered from autism or that their personality must fit with models released on television. The success in the level of functionality of these individuals will depend on the right diagnosis in the first years of life, and in early intervention to improve language, socialization and cognition skills.

The reforms in the educational and social environment are fundamental for the successful adaptation of autistic people, however our most important role as professionals is to make timely detection and diagnosis. 

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