Aristocratic Republic: Concept Of The Bourgeoisie And Linked

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Aristocratic Republic: Concept of the bourgeoisie and linked


The growth of the economy in the Aristocratic Republic (1895-1919) was a period which was governed by an oligarchy, which had a lot of power in agro-export and control of cultivation areas. This period had a very good economy. Another element to highlight was that the Agro Exporting oligarchy depended on English capital and had as a political ally the Civil Party, which controlled the three powers (legislative, judicial, executive) and university education. From this point of view, this essay seeks to answer the question, did the aristocratic republic?


The present essay seeks to state that in the Aristocratic Republic it had a good economy thanks to the agro -exports, the basket extraction and the oil extraction. This allowed the economy to increase. Next, the following ideas will be developed: first, the most relevant aspects in the economy;second, evaluate why companies became less national;Third, the situation of the labor market. First, the most outstanding Peruvian economy aspects in the aristocratic republic were sugar cane, rubber and cotton. 

They managed to increase the economy of our country. “For the demand of the new European countries that accessed the industrialization and opening of the Panama Canal. To sugar, cotton and copper, the rubber of the Amazon, oil, southern Andean, coffee and cocaine were added ”. Therefore, sugar cane was a fairly requested product by foreign countries, thus exceeding Hawaii who was also one of the economic booms that exported sugar. On the other hand, rubber was also one of the reasons for the great demand that this period had.

Since, about to explode the First World War many vehicles of that time used rubber in their tires. Finally, there is cotton because it had 2 times where I highlight the demand for export that were in 1890 in which sales grew 83% and in 1914 sales grew 77% for it, between the year 1910 and 19202 cotton factories were established to be able to solve the great demand for the export of this resource. Second, it can be said that exporting companies became less national in the economic aspect of the Aristocratic Republic. 

On the one hand, because they depended in most of a foreign capital that gave them the condition that they give them workers like that they could send them the machinery we needed and without men there were only few people were able to handle those machines, so thisIt was a problem that continued to exist from the colony, men continued to leave their work for a salary. The United States takes the hegemonic control over Peru’s economy in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the beginning this control was basically commercial, that is, through the penetration of North American goods.

In all the interstices left by the massive British export, a process that increases significant. Under the direct control of large North American companies, which will lead to a definitive subordination of the Peruvian economy to the demands of American industrial expansion. On the other hand, because they used the modern technology to reduce internal resources and multiply their economy, such as the machining of the processes in the transport of sugarcane.

Mining, manufacturing of reins, saddlebag. Thirdly, thanks to the expansion of the population and great demand for agro -export for reasons of the First World War, the Peru labor market was forced to diversify and grow with the raw materials that exported. On the one hand, the second economic boom from 1894 to 1929 generated too many profits for sugar demand. This event caused banking to finance economic activities. 

Motivated by economic growth, members of this group created an antidemocratic regime that sought first and foremost insert the country into the international market. These objectives are evident when the presidential messages are reviewed before the Congress of the Republic. The main characteristic of speeches is the call for attention to the strengthening of the export economy and the efficient exploitation of the inexhaustible natural wealth. The irrigation of cotton and sugar producers, the improvement of communication routes to make the transport of mining products easier.

The colonization of mountain territories constitute the main concerns of the government. In this way, the democratic order endorsed the concentration of properties on the coast, the commercial penetration in the jungle;The invasion of communal lands in the Sierra, and finally, the appearance of the hitch and other labor forms to guarantee the workforce supplement in export agriculture. On the other hand, the companies that became side of the bourgeoisie controlled the agro -export ports. Since, at that time Peru followed a primary export model.


As well as sugar or cotton for the proletarianization of rural work without the participation of social sectors. This was achieved thanks to the high demand that the First World War left. In short, the aristocratic republic had a good economy during this period. The most relevant in the economy was rubber, cotton and sugar. These were the economic booms of that time. On the other hand, companies became less national, since capital was a foreigner and for the modern technology generated by unemployment. Also thanks to agro -exports, the labor market increases considerably.

Free Aristocratic Republic: Concept Of The Bourgeoisie And Linked Essay Sample

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