Analysis Of The Life And Work Of Pablo Neruda

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Analysis of the life and work of Pablo Neruda


As important features, the works of this author are characterized from the stylistic point of view, by the verbal audacity and originality that it represents. The symbolist and modernist form that represents them with exceptional value and arise as genuine from their psychological and aesthetic arrest of it. In addition, in several of his poems he demonstrates the sentimental attitude in which the woman glorifies, anguish, melancholy, the memory of each physical space removed in itself and finally the absence its uncertainty regarding the existence of a person.

All these findings are found in their most important literary publications such as the Twilight, it was his first book with the collaboration of his friends, the poems twenty love poems and a desperate song, he stood out as one of the most shocking poems of the centuryXX in Latin America, I confess that I have lived posthumous work in the same year of his death his memoirs were published.

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, recognized by his pseudonym Pablo Neruda Chileno who was born in Parral, Chile on July 12, 1904 and died in 1973, stood out as the most important writer in Latin America. Since childhood he was always inspired by linguistic literature, he had the great support of his stepmother after his death who dedicated his poem "La Mamadre".


During his life he becomes a great activist of the pacifist and anti -fascist causes, he joined the Communist Party of Chile, however, in the presidential campaign of G. Gonzales Videla, declares the party outside the law. Ricardo Reyes was persecuted and unfortunate by resorting to different sites such as France/Paris in which he was appointed ambassador, finally, he receives the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1971.

Neruda with his overwhelming personality, communist beliefs and stubborn to the last conflict, he defended firmly in what he believed, this was a being different from the one who showed himself to the cameras, shy, crouch and invisible. His literature has become politicized and not only was he rewarded and praised for what he wrote, but for how he did it, he was unmistakable, he focused on his writings detailing all the senses such as hearing, smelling, observing, among others. This was looking for the description of a space with the intersection of a natural feeling that excited the right words to the reader in order to convey the truth of his being that he loved exceptionally.

It belonged to modernism, highlighting the intimidism of costumbrismo, also emphasized the avant -garde pure poetry with features of the generation of 27 and the avant -garde. A creationist movement founded by V arose. Vicente Huidobro, highlighting poets, within such a whole is Pablo NerudConceptual, but physically the reality of the world. One of his poems that came to grow within modern literature was his poems of twenty love poems and a desperate song.

Poem ten contemplating from his rented balcony the improvised sunset festival, Pablo Nerud. How much they could enjoy that show of heaven together. Sometimes a fugitive ray came to take refuge in the poet’s hands and briefly shown to give him a little comfort. 

This idealizes a deep thought, in each of the verses the beauty of women is described;her physical nature relating her feelings and her personal appearance, with the aspects of nature. However, together with a universal archetype, since he refers to his transience of these effects through his personal experiences of his youth.

I can say that they are implicit to surreal movement because it focuses within their writings to something magical in relation to everyday life. It also demonstrates the feeling of someone who cannot say it, nor shout it to the world, in addition the twilight is its favorite moment, to remember what happened next to it and day together with the melancholy remembering their love with such sensitivity of feelings related to nature.

The message expressed by the author is the memory of love along with his melancholy, with many twilight recurrences and elements of nature, with which he compares his feelings and thoughts, despite not having a emphasized rhyme, he has rhythm and/or/or meaning, highlighting the dimension of the loneliness that expresses, desperate, the absence of his beloved directs him to questions that there are no answers such as existentialists, remembering what they did together, what he felt and saw during that twilight time beforeLet him leave, affirming a void and sadness.

Coming to express that we must love, to love that person who for us is perfect by his nature as his face, look or his smile that makes you reach that great feeling for a human being and appreciate every space and time that you areBy your side, since, nobody knows when it will be the last time you see that nice sunset with her/him.

Poem X predominates the emotional function, which is addressed to a woman, being the memory of natural spaces with her, inspiration arises from a love experience in a very detailed and deep way, simple and complex aspects, from the feelings involved to theDetails of the boat being reference to pain spite of a woman, feelings and nostalgia with the nature of what he feels for that woman.

It should be noted that he states critical love, emphasizing how painful his departure was and even more remembered with twilight reflecting melancholy, the tone of sadness of his memoirs, where he brings the present of a love of the past or thatPerhaps there never existed intensely that people can have when we think of these experiences and we are in term with nature. Neruda during his life always used to create stanzas with nostalgic content and joy, with several sensational expressions regarding women.

In this poem Diez, NerudThat person who had had experience with a person who once felt good and sure.

In this poem ten of the author, in the internal structure you can find the following characteristics such as the five compounds of the poem, the description is appreciated in the second stanza in the fourth and fifth verses, where he describes his house in which you canObserving the landscape of several hills, in the fourth stanza in both verses the evocation is reflected, shows the atmosphere of a place, that is, within it a feeling recalls. 

Then you can reflect confrontation in the fifth stanza there is the conflict emphasizing her anger, the transformation The change of feeling is emphasized in the penultimate stanza, finally in this poem there is a solution in the seventh stanza (last) Neruda reflects as aConclusion in your verses regarding your feelings.


It is important to rescue that in the first stanza it is a third in which a stanza is appreciated for its assonant rhyme. The other stanzas do not have a structure, that is, they are free stanzas. The verses for the most part are free-whitelocated in verse one and verse fifteen. 

Most stanzas are also composed of stanzas of paired verses. Finally, this poem expresses the inner world of the lyrical speaker, I can consider that Poem Diezfeelings.

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