Alternative Tourism And Sustainable Development

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Alternative Tourism and Sustainable Development

A sustainable human development culture

Culture is based on identities, that is, where people come from and what are traditions, when speaking of sustainable development, it refers to the satisfaction of obligations to society, what do they have in common? Nothing, but both have the objective of supporting future generations to provide economic and social measures.

Cultures maintain stories, these become traditions or beliefs of society thus giving origins to the identity of people, nature on their part alive the legends of small peoples alive.

Culture offers to be one of the potentials that can be used for tourism creation, developing new techniques for the economic improvements of a country, not only is it based on economic, culture gives knowledge, education and values ​​for the welfare of society , this helps to be the creation of sustainable development for a nation.


Sustainability is a balance between the economic and social against the ecological, if there is a slip this could harm the population. Sustainability will help society and economic have more options, if human beings consume or manufacture objects that harm the planet Earth would obtain more revenues of raw material by knowing how to keep the resources given by it in balance in balance for example: fishermen They do not have the permits for navigation, they would harm marine species and not last their marine life, however if fishing vessels obtain their navigation permit, restricting non -fishing places, these would help marine species to preserve themselves and thus Fisheries would make their profits and would not damage ecology.

In tourism, sustainability helps conserve cultural integrity and reserve ecology, in order to contribute, promote opportunities in the future. Sustainability to please tourists with their current needs to protect natural resources, these are linked both in economic, social and cultural.

Start of transformation

It is not to reach the exploitation, because in this way the natural resources would not know, that is, the ecological must a long time.

Regarding this Covid-19 pandemic, this disease that damages people, can sound like karma, because human beings destroy the habitat of animals every day, ruining their lives with "innovative" objects or situations instead For species it can be their tragedy for example, making animals prove people’s vaccines, being harmful to animals health.

Tourism contributes to this start of transformation, knowing that they can opt for laws or norms for the ecological reserve, causing the ecological resource to remain in its inhabitants and be a quality of life, achieve sustainable tourism and that this is a source of income economic, as long as ecosystem vulnerability is respected.

Cited works

  • Ponte, s. (April 11, 2014). uncoat. Obtained that Sustainable Tourism is: https: // = JT-RQXRL2LU
  • Ramirez, l. (14 of 11 of 2017). The Economist. Obtained from knowing the relationship between culture and sustainable development?: https: // www.the

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