Threats That Are Handled On The Internet In Society

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Threats that are handled on the Internet in society


The creation and evolution of technology has been one of the great milestones of humanity both for its complexity and for the opportunities that it gives us in day to day, but, with its development and new tools that new forms of forms ofcrime, terrorism, espionage and even wars all these focused on cyberspace that has taken one of the most important roles within modern society.

These new problems that modern society must face are presented as one of the greatest threats to the stability, security and protection of the information and integrity of people.


This document presents the four main fields to be discussed such as: cyber -cyberterrorism: use of technological means for terrorist purposes;Cyberspiege: theft or illegal obtaining of information through the web;CIBERDLENCIENCY: the violation of systems or information within the network and perhaps the most problematic of all, cyber warmen: computer attacks that can include all previous perpetuated between countries or countries to irregular groups. Such action fields born with the internet and missing regulations until relatively recent.


Since the birth of the Internet in our time, the number of technological advances that have benefited us has been great, but, while developing technology for the progress of humanity, one of the biggest problems forModern society must face, born from the same progress that is sought, due to the influence of evil minds that make use of the web for harmful purposes to others;Aspects such as cyberterrorism, cyber warmen, cyberspage and cybercopModern day.

Below are some of the main problems of the 21st century society.

  • Cyberterrorism.

Since society has been born, it could be said that there has been terrorism, perpetuated by groups of people who do not share certain ideas with the authorities on duty are the ones that have been known the most, making use of attacks that generate terror in the population is as they seekdismissibility or impose their ideas;All this has evolved with the internet does not lack physical actions to produce terror in the population, with the violation of information or a system is enough for the population to be panic and the perpetuators make themselves known, unleashing panic with people whoThey are not interested in the means to get attention or even in cases that only seek to show their rejection towards a certain sector making attacks that affect people’s well -being.

  • Cyberguerra.

It could easily overshadow the rest of the list due to the complexity it is handled, being among the main problems that the greatest perpetuators are the same governments that are responsible for a certain way of regular, so that from governments they do not face them as acts as actswith bad purposes or even in cases they are a sector where the participations are hidden.

We could talk about the Cyberspace War in this area where it is not necessaryThe web and attacks in retaliation.

Although most attacks are not classified as cyber warmen, the following can be rescued.

  • Stuxnet.

The first computer and specialized computer worm for the attack on the central initialThe use of contaminated USB and within the Iranian treatment plant there was no internet, specialists took more than 6 months to decipher the purpose of the virus that had contaminated much of computers globally, only to arrive and attackThe machinery inside the central.

The relevance of this is that it is the first attack on a nuclear power plant.

  • Cyberspione.

From the hand of cybercrequence, it seeks to violate the integrity of people or companies for unwillingof the computer fields that have most affected society, but that is only unknown to a large number of it.

Carried out not only by hackers that seek robberies but also by the same governments that seekWikileaks and mass espionage from the USA.Uu towards everyone, which produced a greater regulation of the field and a growing concern of the network integrity that each person owns and the securities that would be implemented to ensure it.


Evolved from the assailants on foot to the hackers and computer scientists who seekReaching their material assets by means of virtual medium, among the best known media are those of robbery information from credit cards, the use of cloned bank web pages, theft information for commercial purposes.


The development of new technologies to expand the field of acting of various groups that for economic, social, cultural or political purposes that, attack people, authorities, celebrities, companies and even whole countries.

The violations of the assurances to which each of the users of the Network had to possess is being violated daily by groups that affect the reliability of the web and express it as a source of crime with lack of regulations and legislation to be controlled.

The lack of controls for the behavior and acting of the web has been one of the main problems that this countless problems arise, although currently governments throughout the world are putting greater emphasis on laws and protections on the web thisIt arrives very late, when the sector outside the Internet law is already very developed and would be almost impossible to eliminate or at least restrict the biggest problems that affect us. 

Free Threats That Are Handled On The Internet In Society Essay Sample

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