The Literary Work The Tribulations Of The Student Törless

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The literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless", was a work written by the Austrian author Robert Musil, published in the year of 1906, which contains several issues that are influenced by the positions, beliefs and stereotypes of the society of that time. Homosexuality, sexuality, masochism and sadism are issues that can be appreciated in the novel.

At that time, people were not allowed to show their true nature, since, if any uninhabitual action was performed, it was qualified as immoral, as mentioned in the literary work, there are dark secrets in the halls of a prestigious institute, belongingTo the Austrohungal Empire, many young adolescents from wealthy families discreetly reveal their internal world.

The student Törless, protagonist of the work, maintains a more reserved and reflective position in relation to his classmates Reiting, Beineberg and Basini, despite this, he comes to experience various sensations and hormonal changes in his body that are biologically within normal, Törless was a young man who still did not find his sexual orientation when he entered the boarding school, since, he crossed one of the most complicated stages, adolescence.

Törless is described as a boy, in search of his true sexual orientation, so he passed and was part of several disturbing, sadistic and sexual circumstances along with his classmates, such as the fact of imagining Beineberg’s naked body and seeing that ofBasini, manifesting homoerotism.

The acceptances of society go hand in hand with religion, customs and beliefs are born based on this context, society is forced to follow its ideals, one more reason for people, especially adolescents of that time, hideYour true feelings, preferring to shut up so as not to be questioned.

Culture gives authenticity to a group of people, providing specific characteristics to each subject, especially in the moral aspect. In the work the social classes define the thought of each character of the novel. The bourgeoisie was the predominant class, although this was not the case of Basini, who belonged to a ruined bourgeoisie, so he performs impudent activities within the establishment, being a victim of several sadistic acts and humiliationBasini, as a masochistic person, by not performing any act in his defense, rather he is a submissive character, which is allowed to be absorbed by the system.

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