The Importance Of Color Psychology In Advertising

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The importance of color psychology in advertising

At present, the rivalry of competition between markets is increasingas previously analyzed sensory marketing. Color psychology is vital in aspects such as emotions and perceptions of the human being, but also takes relevance in the field of marketing in which case it is possible to present as one of the main reasons that influence the decision to buy a consumer.

Every company aims to have a product that is designed with a corporate image or identity proteologist where the exact colors that must be used for both the company’s brand and for each of the products that I enter into its market are stipulated. It should be borne in mind that for a brand to remain in the top of your consumer, it must ensure that each color used for the image becomes a seal whose concept is adapted according to the common patterns of society,A classic example are the blue tones that relate to harmony and tranquility, red tones with love and strong passion, danger or emotions. Etc. A correct choice of colors will help to constitute a basic aspect of the strategy in the execution of an ad. The elaboration of a container or design of a logo and so on. All advertisers must use the color to increase a greater number of positive responses from their target audience.

The colors and results are not combined or associated by chance is because of the rooting experiences obtained from our being. Here are some examples about each color and its universal meaning.

Red associated with heat, fire, life, danger and strong emotions. Preferred in yellow advertisements represents fun, jealousy, betrayal, kindness, envy and blue optimism associated with sympathy, harmony and fidelity despite being a cold color and seem distant violet is the color of power, extravagance,Magic, the unknown, feminism, sexual diversity and sin. Orange represents the exotic, exuberant and striking, the taste, bad publicity, autumn danger and Buddhism. Green associated with fertility, hope, nature, freshness, life health and tranquility. Black color of power, death, the violence of the fascists, associated with bad death, but is one of those preferred by designers for being considered elegant and versatile. White the color of innocence, feminine, clean, represents status, associated with good and spiritual. Sweet and delicate pink par excellence, child color, soft, tender charm, courtesy, dreams, fantasy and skin. Coffee is the color of the simple, it is cozy, the taste and strong aroma. Gray of cleanliness, antiquity, vague and gloomy feelings, sadness, loneliness, old age and gold poverty represents gold, luxury, money, stability, happiness, fame, good luck, sun, opulence, widely usedIn decoration, in advertising it is usually perceived as a presumptuous color. Silver is considered elegant, it is color of money, of the moon, it is distant, cold, intellectual, bright.

The colors that are used within advertising and everything related to the image of the brand and the company plays a very important role within the sales strategy of a product, which is why it must be chosen cautiously, since thisIt can be the cause that the product is taken to success or loss, it is then that we consider color as a tool to get the attention and physical presence of the consumer when exposed on a shelf or in a commercial premises. 

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