The Image Of God And The Questioning Of His Existence

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The image of God and the questioning of his existence


From the beginning of humanity, man has spent time thinking about the explanation of his existence not only the fact of how man was created, but also the explanation of why man is on earth what is the reason for his existence In this world few have been able to reach that explanation, but none has given results on what is the true reason for the existence of man in the face of the earth. Hundreds of men have asked themselves the same question again and again and continue to fall in the same void of their existence not to give a clear explanation to this.


Existentialism tries to know what man is what makes it exist and being and this makes them fall into a question more like who brought them to this world, as everything began and here comes the question of something divine He brought us here?, Is there a all powerful God?. Trying to know these points is that we will seek to know the belief of man towards God and as this doubt of God and his own existence as the foundation we will focus on the poem of Miguel de Unamuno the prayer of atheist as it is that a non -believer of God speaks about what God does for men as or not being devotees of him.

Miguel de Unamuno reflects his existentialist influences. This poem, together with four others, responds to a particular issue that the poet raised: the struggle between reason and faith. In this poem Unamuno attacks the pillars that sustain the idea of ​​the existence of God. Throughout his life, Unamuno tries to give an explanation of the paradoxical idea of ​​God’s absence and the ‘rational impossibility’ of believing in him. In this way in the third stanza of the poem the prayer of Atheed Unamuno affirms that God is nothing more than an idea that man himself has created to give a simple explanation to the world around him. 

In this poem Unamuno attacks the pillars that sustain the idea of ​​the existence of God. Throughout his life, Unamuno tries to give an explanation of the paradoxical idea of ​​God’s absence and the ‘rational impossibility’ of believing in him. In this way in the third stanza of the poem the prayer of Atheed Unamuno affirms that God is nothing more than an idea that man himself has created to give a simple explanation to the world around him. In this poem Unamuno attacks the pillars that sustain the idea of ​​the existence of God. Throughout his life, Unamuno tries to give an explanation of the paradoxical idea of ​​God’s absence and the "rational impossibility" of believing in him.

In this way in the third stanza of the poem the prayer of Atheed Unamuno affirms that God is nothing more than an idea that man himself has created to give a simple explanation to the world around him. Present and future and is forming that story that results in the reason for his being and existing and moving in his own way that existence because each man on earth has various objectives for which they exist and therefore each one is finding that sense of existence for which he is in the world and for this he needs what Sartre also mentions that is making use of his freedom; freedom as expression, beliefs and ways to get to do everything that is found in mind to bring it to existence for use.

The existence of God for man has been questioned infinite occasions in small or great features the doubt if there is an omnipotent being floods the thought of several, since not everyone accepts their existence or the fact that this is related to the same existence From man several are foolish to believe in him, others only say that he takes care of everything that surrounds us as to what man does not believe as nature and others in particular do not believe that he has any intervention in the life of being human.

So many are the ways in which he is skeptical about the existence of God that every man has been in charge of affirming in various ways the non -existence of God in life, nor in the creation of man as Nietzsche mentions it in his book Thus Zaratustra spoke with the little phrase "God has died" he refers to making that Christianity die that moral that moves men well and makes them imprisoned for that idealism that Christianity itself poses and that otherwise cannot let the Being human can exist through those conservative ideas is that man is not free to find the reason for his existence and be able to know everything as soon as he surrounds him and not only attribute that divinity to everything as soon as exists.

On the other hand there are those who believe in the existence of God as being unique and creator of the human being and everything as surrounding it is the case of Descartes that mentions the argument, exposed in metaphysical meditations God exists; While there is in me the idea of ​​the substance, being one, I could not have in me the idea of ​​an infinite substance, being a finite being, of not having been put in me by a substance that is already truly infinite then then We are as an image and likeness of a supreme being that brought us to the world for a mission to be carried out and thus carry out our existence.


We try to make sense of existence we want to believe that there is an absolute truth about what it is to exist, we persist in the sense of creating a general idea for the man to make him know what his existence is when we know that we cannot generalize for existence of man because each man exists in terms of a reason and motive and that is why he is existing, form his own existence; We have not managed to understand that existence is formed, it is created, that we are simply human beings and that this past, present or future story is what makes us mean and make sense of that existence, we are our own learning our own Motivation and experience is that we are making sense to our day to day.


  • Sartre, j.P. (2013). the existentialism is a Humanism. Mexico City: EMU.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche. (2011). Thus Zaratustra spoke: a book for everyone and for anyone. Spain: Alliance.
  • Descartes, r. (2011). Metaphysical meditations. Spain: Alliance.  

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