The Hidden Beauty Captured By Instinct

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The hidden beauty captured by instinct


Beauty, a very important characteristic in the human sense we will learn more about it and know how to observe its different points of expectation, here we will know more about beauty, if we capture it by instinct or learn from what is beautiful. The beautiful in Greek thought was understood as an objective, logical and rational concept, associated with the laws of nature. 


So that the work of man was considered beautiful, it had to respond to the canons analogous to the eternal laws that regulate the behavior of nature. The canon expressed the essential, the proportionate, the harmonic, the ideal and aspired to perfection; an perfection not based on the quantitative but on the universal unity. Using the tools of order, measure, monthurability, symmetry, rhythm and harmony; Human constructions were guided by a very strict matheometric vision.

When we say that something is beautiful means that the perception of this something produces a pleasant sensation, unlike how ugly an unpleasant sensation produces us. The beautiful, beauty, has to do with the parameters we have of it. The Greek beauty model, based on the proportion. However, our current knowledge in the fields of cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary psychology tend towards a very different reality:

 Our sense of aesthetics and our appreciation for beauty are innate, related to our biology. What we consider physically beautiful, in a man or a woman, apparently is not learned, it is printed in our genes. This has an evolutionary explanation, beauty was used by our ancestors as a health and fertility reference system, the potential more beautiful partners or with better physical attributes had a greater possibility of engender healthy children.


Various studies have confirmed that at a very early age we can recognize beauty. It has also been discovered that we unconsciously tend to associate beauty with the good, to more beautiful faces we attribute success, better social status and better reception between the opposite sex. It is a great sexual motivating and one of the main factors that drives our behavior and human relationships. Do we capture beauty by instinct or do we learn what is beautiful? We capture beauty for the two bases, first by learning, then attracts us and unifies our senses and that is when by instinct we lead us to our expectations of what is beautiful.

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