Listening To Pink Floyd Brings Benefits To Mental Health

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Listening to Pink Floyd brings benefits to mental health


When you are happy you usually hear a fairly moved or sticky theme, on the contrary, when you feel sad you choose something slower or melancholic. It does not have to surprise you, the human brain has thousands of receptors inside that respond to different aspects of music such as tone, rhythm and lyrics.


Music originates through vibrations produced by some instrument, voice or some other source. These waves are moved through the air and enter the ear, where three small bones located in the middle ear amplify the sound waves and then turn them into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain by means of the auditory nerves. Once the electrical impulses reach the brain, it interprets them as sound.

A long exposure to music can help improve linguistic skills, creativity, among other aspects. In addition, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that performs numerous and important functions in our body, and that helps to generate a pleasure in human beings similar to that produced by food, drink, sex, or even, drugs.

The health area also makes use of music in order to improve, maintain or recover the cognitive, physical, emotional and social functioning of patients suffering from different medical conditions. Musicotherapy seeks the activation of physiological and emotional processes that contribute to the stimulation of decreased or deteriorated functions and accentuate conventional treatments.

Recently, a study by the Hospital of the University of Cardiff in Wales, the United Kingdom, would reveal that the music of the British band Pink Floyd helps to reduce anxiety levels and improve doctors’ performance during surgical intervention, particularly theComfortable Numb theme (comfortably numb) included in the eleventh studio studio album, which would lead the preferences of the doctors, displacing the music of Mozart, Beethoven or Tchaikovsky, of the operating rooms.

The lyrics of the song would be inspired by a traumatic autobiographical experience of Roger Waters, bassist and main composer of the group, who before starting a concert in 1977, was the victim of terrible stomach pains that would be treated with injections of reassuring,Event that would describe about the two longest hours of his life.

To these positive purposes, the experience of patients who were under local anesthesia. Likewise, Dr. Carolina Meads assured that The Dark Side of the Moon would help him reduce the pain from a hip surgery to which he would have submitted, indicating that the effects caused after listening to Pink Floyd would be surprising,Considering that he did not receive any type of soothing at the end of the surgical intervention.

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd was a British rock band formed in 1965, considered a cultural icon of the twentieth century. He would get great popularity thanks to his psychedelic music that would later evolve towards progressive rock and symphonic rock. It is known for themes with a great philosophical content, sonic experimentation and the innovative covers of its albums, in addition to its elaborate and complex live presentations. Its sales exceed 300 million copies sold worldwide.


The album The Dark Side of the Moon, eighThe same, thus becoming the album that has remained the most in this record billboard. Its sales are estimated at more than 45 million copies, thus being the third best -selling album in the history of music, behind Michael Jackson and Back in Black’s thriller from the Australian group Australian AC/DC. On the other hand, The Wall from which the Comfortable Numb theme is extracted would be edited in 1979, and is considered one of the best in rock history, reaching sales that exceed 33 million copies worldwide, becoming the double albumbest for musical history.

Free Listening To Pink Floyd Brings Benefits To Mental Health Essay Sample

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