Gender Roles And Social Expectations

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Gender roles and social expectations


Gender and social expectations. The social construction of gender identity. Each culture defines, a set of ideas, beliefs and valuations about the meaning of being man and being a woman. Through culture, the identity of the genre is issued norms using the formation of the body, the process of building gender identity, indicate the difference in roles, since it is due to the existence of social rules that distribute responsibilities differentiating themembers of a community. (Garcia, Macedo, & Souza). 


Social expectations and gender identity in adolescent behavior. Adolescence is a crucial phase for the establishment of gender relations, since in this phase there is a consolidation of social skills, the people who in their childhood carried a friendship with the opposite sex are said to have better capacities for therelationships, having socialized in trust, reciprocity, and friendly relationships (Catalan, Pinto, & Pérez). 

Stereotypes must decompose because women like men know that neither all men are strong, nor all women are weak, submissive, just as we all know that each person is different from other people, that every human being isunique. The human being was born then immersed in a culture that also indicates "how they are and should be" men and women, how they should behave and relate to each other. (Barrionuevo). The transgression of the genre and the conformation of the norm. 


Gender violence can occur in any of the areas of everyday life and although it is usually more frequent in family relationships, couple and social spaces such as the workplace. The expression of violence for gender reasons can be physical, sexual, psychological and its treatment, prevention and solution require the intervention of sociologists, pedagogues, psychiatrists, among other specialists provided their parents, their body and their childhood role, to arrive to arrive to arrive to arriveto its autonomy and assume the resolution of conflicts. (Gutiérrez).


Barrionuevo., J. A. (2015). Gender identity, subjective construction of adolescence. Evolutionary Psychology Adolescence., 1-10.

Catalan, á. R., Pinto, e. R., & Pérez, R. G. (2017). Relational preferences in adolescence according to gender. Electronic Educational Research Magazine, 19 (1), 58-72.

Garcia, t. A., Macedo, c. G., & Souza, J. F. (2016). Analysis of the social desirability of gender roles. Asparkia, 75-89.

Gutierrez, and. A. (2016). The consequences of gender violence for health and training of adolescents. Electronic Medical Magazine.

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