Health Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Health Organization (WHO), in 1997, published a form of dengue classification that was valid for more than thirty years, based on three categories: dengue fever (FD), hemorrhagic dengue fever (FHD) and syndromeDengue shock (SCD). However, being a worldwide disease, it was found that the “FD/FHD/SCD” classification could not be applied globally for the clinical use of patients, especially in cases of greater serious. This caused some countries to have their own classifications adapted, making epidemiological comparisons more difficult. This, together with the alterations in the pattern of the infection, led to WHO to sponsor a study called Denco (Dengue Control). As a result of this study in...

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health. It is said that a new tendency to generate new needs, so technology would bring problems, if its use is not controlled. So what should we do to avoid it? Developing A few years ago, physical health problems were both suspicible, as of writers, the excessive use of their hands for writing would generate problems in the joints of these. Now we are currently full of a technological horizon, it is said that much of it facilitates our lives, but to what standard of living we could settle? According to research, the usual physical use of cell phones, which we did not go out without this device, affects more areas than many of us would imagine. From the bad posture to visualize the mobile to the...

Health 16 years ago recounts her days as a nurse since this Pandemia began. The nurse reports that starting the pandemic of graduates to the hospital some recovered, now the panorama is not encouraging, since those who enter 95% no longer come out. Developing The situation that English hospitals are going through in this crisis forces health professionals to disconnect automatic respirators to give entry and treatment to patients who arrive;This decision is boiled with sadness in a council of the Intensive Care Unit by specialized medical equipment after a meticulous assessment that includes age, conditions, previous medical and possibility of recovery. Juanita Nittla recounts one of the many...

health benefits, but is not the compound responsible for poisoning, which means that there is no way to get high with products that only contain CBD.  Developing Many products make use of CBD oil, as well as some other aspects, which is why places like Chicago have begun to track and regulate the sale of CBD products. Does it allow the state that CBD products are sold? The essence of the matter is that Chicago (and Illinois) completely allow the sale of CBD products, provided they derive from hemp, a cannabis family plant. Chicago is also looking for products that can have a high concentration of THC, which is the compound responsible for poisoning in the cannabis plant.  If you are buying CBD...

health among others due to discriminatory practices and xenophobia of which they are harmed. Institutions such as Mercosur, Unasur and the IOM have fought for countries to welcome migrants provide guarantees and benefits that supply the basic needs of every human being. As they are: the right to nationality Right to freedom of transit right to legal certainty and due process to consular assistance the right to non -discrimination right to request asylum right to request recognition of the refugee status.  But unfortunately in shelter countries, these benefits cannot be provided since due to corruption and administrative management of resources, refugees are minimal and if they are provided by...

health area, it is very important to know how to read these expressions or gestures that patients perform at the time of consultation. Therefore, 10 surveys were conducted with different people and the gestures, gestures or positions that maintained throughout the small test were analyzed, in order to develop the ability to understand this language. Justification Understanding, and knowing how to read people through their body language will make us understand many things about how the patient is seven at that time. Goal Observe in the studied population that expressions carried out, as well as analyze whether they felt when conducting the survey. Developing Something that was seen in the 10...

health area. Before knowing the existence of blood groups, blood transfusions were made with blood of other species, without knowledge of the serious problems that it can do to suffer from the patient who receives it, in 1873 the blood transfusions of other species were prohibited afterMay a young man die from this. Karl Landsteiner was the person who discovered blood groups, one of his research fields was blood genetics. He noted that when mixing the blood of two people he brought together forming visible lumps, analyzed the blood of 22 people, including his and that of 5 collaborators from his laboratory, separate the blood serum, wash the red blood cells and submerged them in serumphysiological...

Health, in 1909 the first board of directors was formed and was finally recognized on February 21, 1910 by President Porfirio Díaz, taking the name of the Mexican Association of the Mexican Association ofthe Red Cross. It works in two service lines that are welfare and health, the first goes from youth, through volunteer ladies, veterans, non -associated volunteers, coordination and training coordination;The second covers from coordination of medical services, nursing schools, and health specialties. This institution has been characterized by being voluntary without any profit, together with national and international organizations for a clearly humanitarian benefit. It is dedicated to relieving...

health has been the prevention of infectious-contagious diseases through immunization. The governments of each country with their recommendations are those that mark the line to follow as to how the vaccination of the population must be carried out systematically. Professionals who are responsible for the prescription and administration of vaccines are forced to be updated continuously by carrying out continuous training due to continuous changes in vaccination calendars . There are few interventions in this field that have avoided as many deaths and diseases as applied vaccines, through organized programs. Objectives Know the event rate that may be related to vaccines.  Notify, investigate,...