Drug Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

drug trafficking in a series of groups that are more violent and uncontrollable. And as criminal organizations have been fragmented, they have also diversified their business models, diversifying in a broader range of criminal companies, such as extortion, kidnapping, prostitution, fuel theft and migrant smuggling. To make things worse, although in the past violence concentrated mainly in a few places, the recent increase in homicides has dispersed. Although clashes between dissident groups are considered an important cause, government officials also point out other factors, including changes in political control of state and municipal governments in recent elections. As the old political power...

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drug should not be used. And even less without recipe. Finally, it is necessary to remember that these disorders can be treated through pharmaceutical specialties that do not need a recipe, but these patients the pharmacist must imply that although they do not need a recipe, it does not mean that they are...

drug crops in Colombia grew by more than 60% since 2016. I must add that this poison has been the cause of debates in the government, since it has been argued that glyphosate spray is the most effective, this can affect 150 crops in one day, compared to manual eradication that does not pass 3 plantations. Glyphosate may seem like a viable option to eradicate drug crops, however, there is scientific evidence that warns that glyphosate is a herbicide that negatively affects the biodiversity of water and soil, in the case of the soil, it has been shown that it promotes theTraining of harmful pathogens and causes of the loss of vitamins for the growth of new plants, as if that were not enough, weakens...

drug trafficking money comes to society nourishing armed groups those who began producing cocaine and coca paste, also start collecting the grammage tax a percentage on business production, this allowed them to acquire new equipmentarmed letting more men add the ranks of armed groups. In addition, militarism arises self-defense groups with the aim of avoiding paying the grammage tax of guerrilla groups. 90s phase in which the guerrilla groups had grown incredibly in a period of decade and a half, taking some points of Colombia in which they had not been present generating a confrontation in which the civilian population was increasingly involved whoHe felt the armed conflict in a more direct way, in...

drug addicts, etc. Education is considered to be given from childhood, because it is more difficult for you to acquire knowledge of adulthood, the poorest populations are those who receive the worst educational offer. Education is not only offered by the teachers of schools where they attend, but also in the minds of children, family and those who make up their social environment where they live. The lag includes from illiteracy to people who have truncated any of these educational levels, in addition to being related to older age groups, the proportion of people in lag is larger -, which is due to the greatest capacity tocoverage that the Mexican education system has developed in recent years....

drug trafficking, white trafficking, violence, etc. Reversing these high levels of unemployment, since more than 40% of government revenues are invested in social programs, however, poverty does not decrease and citizen insecurity grows...

Drug trafficking war in Colombia and the relationship with the United States It has been demonstrated that the war that Washington carried out with Bogotá's approval against drug trafficking did not give the expected results but has also been counterproductive in itself. At the moment when more effort was made for eradication it was when the drug was more circulated and the cartels were most successful. Drug trafficking since its origin has been linked to corruption of both organizations and stately, although this already occurred in previous decades Despite attempts to reduce traffic, Colombian producers always found other routes to introduce the merchandise without problem. While it is true...

Drug test in Mexico's economy Introduction Drugs in Mexico's economy is a very interesting and important topic in the world. Every year the Government of Mexico loses money with the many drug cartels that sell drugs to the public. If Mexico legalizes drugs then economics rates would rise dramatically. The purpose of this article is to teach effects that drugs have on Mexico's economy. The objective of the article is to inform readers of the amount of drugs that really control the economy of Mexico and why this is bad.  The article: The legalization of drugs and investment in Mexico explains how Mexico's economy works and how drug trade in the economy works. The article: On drug legalization and...