Documentary Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Documentary research techniques. Documentary research is a very important part of the entire research process, since this part stored the information registered in various documents that are available to the investigation that serve to describe, explain or somehow to be able to approach the object of study. It is generally any device that covers data or information can be: digital, electronic, auditory, visual, printed, graphics. Developing Documents, magazines, newspapers, tapes, newspapers, digital files or folders are considered, in short, any element that explains a fact, or contains information either either, visual or even textured as everything that is documented inBraille system, without...

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documentary. In observational techniques the researcher is involved as part of the process, since through observation uses self-records, daily, personal documents and others to register their assessments of the observed reality. On the other hand, the conversational technique includes the semi -structured or open interview (it is individual and is analyzed based on a previously elaborate question guide) and the group (discussion groups or focus group). And finally the documentaries that are made up of the qualitative analysis where the material is studied based on qualitative categories, analyzing, classifying and encoding the objects and text to reconstruct the meaning and theorize about it;...

documentary evidence. Álvaro ran over Gladys leaving her seriously injured and then fled, but everything was filmed by security cameras in the place where the events happened. We can see how direct proof the visual content of the street security cameras which would verify that Álvaro was the person who handled the vehicle established the credibility that it is the one who was driving, on the other hand, Gladys recognizes that the man of the man ofVideo is Álvaro and this was the person who hit her. conclusion On the indirect evidence: here we can collect that it is aimed at the indications which we must not forget that they must be fully accredited, from which the existence of the main fact can...

documentary film directed by James Marsh. The film tells the 1974 walk of Philippe Petit at high height between the Twin Towers of the New York World Trade Center. Man on Wire tells the real story of the famous high -level walk of Philippe Petit between the twin towers of the World Trade Center on August 7, 1974. The amazing feat of him made him a media sensation. Petit's adventure began at an early age, when he began studying magic tricks and presented himself in the streets of the city to entertain tourists. At sixteen, he discovered his passion for walking on the tightrope and trained in art for a year. One day, while waiting at the office of a dentist in Paris, Petit found an article about the...

documentary reveals how the company Cambridge Analytica of English origin, had a huge amount of personal data and preferences of each American voter;The above allows us to know how our personal information flows online, towards the databases of countless organizations to serve as raw material for commercial, political and military purposes. Cambridge Analytica analysts operated as follows;Each of the millions of users was cataloged so that later, they proceed to focus on the population sector that was still undecided and more susceptible to manipulation, sending personalized information based mainly on defamation and hate messages towards candidatesopposites, exalting their own fears and...

documentary shows, at present, the human condition is marked by greed, this part of the personality of many people being. This manifests when you take more than one needs, when a person does not feel satisfied and wishes to appropriate everything possible and the more he has, the more he wants to have;Losing the true meaning of life, the true richness of it, forming this vicious circle of which it does not escape easily, the greed being the drug of this modern society, of this materialistic society. The question that results from it is why does the human being think that he never has enough? Personally, I consider that the human being tries to fill interior voids with material things, permanently...

documentary, Zara's great expansion and growth is presented in the fashion market. They talk about their organization and the techniques they use to be one of the strongest companies in this sector. Zara was created in 1975 by Amancio Ortega. From a young age he worked as a dependent at a store in A Coruña and in a family sewing workshop. He is a person who does not make himself known in public, does not go to any interview and does not even attend inaugurations of his stores. Amancio, soon realized the importance of adapting to the taste of customers to sell fashion and he considered it as one of the essential keys to grow in the market in an unstoppable and fast way. A relevant fact is how Zara...

Documentary about Joseph Stalin The first fact that caught my attention was Stalin's past. I learned that in his youth, Banks stole and along with his "gang" he stole a quarter of a million Russian rubles and left forty dead guards. This caught my attention since since he was young he looks his ambition and his evil. From the beginning it was a threat but it was underestimated and that way he could get the power he longed for. As they mentioned in the documentary, Stalin had an acute thought and was always a thief with a strategic but cynical mind. He could use this logic he had since he was young to defeat his enemies and those people who thought different from him. This can be compared...

documentary value of the work. The work leads you to reflect on the history of the Holocaust, but also on the reasons and effects that this fact had on the life of a survivor, thanks to the narrative jumps of the comic. In Maus, we can see that there is a perfect synthesis between the image and the word. Spiegelman uses a modulated line drawing style, of dark stroke, using basic iconicity features making this a simple drawing. His idea is that the reader focuses on the whole of the vignette and is more receptive to what the comic is narrating. Its serious and lacking approach makes a more raw reality, using characteristics that give more drama to the image such as black spot reflecting harder...

documentary explains learning in a public school in a city in Japan. To do this, they recorded for a year the class of Professor Toshiro Kanamori and thanks to this, I could observe the way of working and how they make them advance not only in learning, but in the art of living through happiness andGood coexistence. One of the methods that Toshiro Kanamori uses in its class is: "The letters of the notebook".  Developing This method is that every day three students read their cards aloud to other classmates, which usually generate opinions or comments among the rest of classmates. "The letters of the notebook" seems to me a very optimal method, since children can express both...