Dialogue Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

dialogue nature which do not have a definite style.As for the use of formalities, it will depend on the interlocutors, that is, on readers and the public towards which it is intended, be it a teacher, an academic, newspaper magazine, among others. Characteristics (summary) The main characteristics of the textual gender essay are: simple language.Concise texts.Personal judgment.Subjective reflections.Exhibition and defense of ideas.Originality and creativity.Critical and problematizing text.Various themes. Source The term essay was first used in the sixteenth century by the French philosopher and humanist Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) with the publication of his work "Les Essais" (the...

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dialogue that most caught the attention of the book is when Patrick, who is the group director asked Augustus to share his fears, "I fear him for oblivion"He replied, within the group Hazel only replies "when all of us are dead". Explaining that the time will come when no one will exist or that our species will no longer exist and there will be no one to remember everything we do and that will be forgotten. Augustus does not respond only take a cigar and place it between his teeth and Hazel bothered him, so he tells him that he is just a metaphor. "He will not kill you unless he turns it on," but he never lit it, in this way they began to know each other more about their...

dialogues of this. Although there are no works by Socrates himself, his philosophical thinking is known thanks to what his disciples about him wrote. We can well divide apology into three parts. The first would be the accusation; They make us know that Socrates is being accused of several people and is facing a court Socrates begins to declare that the accusations are lies, many of those who have said barbarities of him have not even had any minimal conversation with him and are only getting carried away by the rumors that people have started spreading their person. The first thing for what they accuse him is for being an impious person, that is, he does not demonstrate any religious devotion or...

dialogue sustained by Plato and his teacher Socrates, where the history of some people chained in a cave is presented. This captivity goes from birth to adulthood, this growth transition is mired to a state of oppression.  In this cave, only the chained can look towards a wall, where shadows caused by other people who load figures and these are reflected thanks to a bonfire, they are divided by a wall. Each of these elements reflects the situations that we face, deception, limitations and ignorance in our lives. That metaphor represents a fictitious reality, based only on what they were accustomed to seeing on a day -to -day basis. Feeling to some extent safe, because it was the only thing they...

dialogue and norms and guidelines of coexistence, always to keep in mind that the teacher is an agent of transformation.  Developing I was very concerned about reading this reflection the phrase “tolerance is much more than the passive acceptance of the other."It has the obligation to act, and must be taught, feed and defend. That feeling must be transmitted to our managers, colleagues, students, social environment in which we develop, means that we work and that it is everyday the good use of these practices. We must apply as teachers in the development of our work most of the following premises: the reality of problems, address the most urgent problems or local interior events, have...

dialogue for the peace of the country, where there are key principles and points for it to succeed and the negotiation is carried out in the best way. I know you should know that five important points will be discussed at the negotiation tables which have been considered necessary and fundamental for solution of the conflict. The first topic to be treated has been the Agrarian, where one of the desires and expected achievement is to rescue terrazos, improve agriculture, create entrepreneurs with people from the countryside and with this improve their productive situation and economy of the country; Secondly, there are the guarantees for the exercise of political opposition and citizen participation:...