Developed Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

developed if we cannot control our inevitable desire to control not only our life but the lives of others, because that taste of power is something that weattracts to be able to taste it, but there is the problem that we are never satisfied with what we have. conclusion Both socialism and capitalism have the same objective, which is to be able to control society totally, only that the only thing that differentiates a criterion of the other is that one is that always seeks the common good (socialism)The other is responsible for rewarding people for their effort or most of the time this is not so. Totalitarianisms have constituted a phenomenon that cannot be ignored whenever you want to make a...

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developed a phobia. Also, the common cause of all fears is suffering. We are afraid of the multitude of personal and environmental situations that will produce suffering. The more it is suffered, the more fear it will be felt, which usually involves a greater risk of suffering in the future, since as I have mentioned above, the fear of extreme intensity hinders the correct functioning of reason and will, for whichThe person is unable to solve the problem that has caused that suffering. There are two strategies to control and overcome fears. The first of these is systematic desensitization, which is based on getting the person to eliminate the fear of phobic stimuli, confronting them, starting with...

developed in an open environment where agreements are provided more simply. Organize your finances: it is recommended to consider this situation, since the moratorium situation with payments warns that something is wrong in handling expenditures and income. Particular recommendations: It is recommended as an exit to an economic problem never deprive yourself of paying a loan because it will be the origin of a capital problem. In case of suffering a change in your economic reality, the ideal would be to approach the bank that you are owing and send them the detail of the problem before the maturity of the payment. References WILDEBEEST. ECLAC. (1990). Latin America and the Caribbean (P. 1). Santiago...

developed. Boko Haram is one of the most violent and bloodthful jihadist formations in the world. Developing The official name of this radical sect or fundamentalist group is ‘Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad’, which in Arabic means ‘people committed to the spread of the teachings and the jihad of the prophet’. However, Nigeria northeastern residents called them Boko Haram, which is where they have the greatest influence. The name translates as ‘Western education is a sin’, thus promoting the prohibition that Muslims participating in political or social activities associated with the West. Since its appearance in 2002 with the growing objective of creating a branch of the...

developed as a result of the use caused by waste in the mouth and poor oral hygiene. Decoration and deterioration of teeth Many types of smokeless tobacco contain sugar as an ingredient to enhance the flavor. When the substances feel pressed against the cheek and the tooth, they can easily cause caries and discoloration as the substance filters and rubs against the teeth. Smokeless tobacco also usually contains some type of sand or sand, which can wear teeth and increase the sensitivity and erosion of teeth. Decrease in the sense of taste and smell. Mascar tobacco can also decrease the sense of taste and olfactory capacity of a person. Initially, their senses will be affected, but over...

developed in those centuries for giving examples: it can be the development of China, Spain, Germany and among many others, this eliminating several questions and as always human beings help us to understand our Around, what we have had, the evolutions through which we have passed. Developing. The historical subject is understood as the protagonists of the story, at first it could be said that history is made by all human beings in their day to day to day. Then the answer that the question obtains about who or who makes the story is usually human depending on the historian's point of view, the idea of ​​being the historical subject refers to those who live it. We act and live in history by...

developed and are: parricide, incest, self-tank or suicides. If we talk about parricide, I can express the scene in which Oedipus tries to escape his tragic destiny, but kills Layo without knowing that this was his true father, fulfilling part of the prophecy that the oracle told him about his destiny “And it is not another, but myself, who such curses has launched on me. I'm cumbling the dead bed with the same hands with which I killed him."  To continue with part of the worldviews of the world, I can give connection with what is destiny, which can be considered as a revolutionary theme such as: in which the main character named Oedipus finds out of his destiny, which wasAbout that he would...

developed with the superego that has transferred. If, for example, the transfer were from the father, as well as an obedience by courtship -erotic desire -a disobedience can be shown, or an erotic issue that seeks to be satisfied. Therefore, the analyst must have as its dangerous illusion in each case, showing that it is a mirage of the past, if it is not done in this way and the analyst does it abruptly, it will compromise the analytical work giving way to a hatred forpart of the patient. The analyst must avoid giving abruptly the deductions to which it is reached, doing so at the most appropriate time, if it is not done in this way it can cause a violent exploitation of resistance, which would...

developed by Mary Kaldor. This states that the new wars "are wars freed by networks of state actors, and not state, often without uniforms . They are wars in which battles are rare, where most of the violence is directed against the civilian population in line with the tactics of counterinsurgency and ethnic cleaning. They are wars where tax collection and the financing of war effort are collapsed through theft and looting, illicit trade and other income generated by war. They are wars where the distinction between combatants and ex -combatants or between legitimate and criminal violence is blurred. The armed conflict has led women to assume new roles, leaving their role as a victim aside and...

developed countries the illegitimate birth rate represents between 6 and 8% of the total births. In the 80s, the nuptiality indices fall and the divorce rises. In the 50s, the “ideal” of family is modified, where the mother-father-son triangle replaces the previous extensive patriarchal, where several generations lived under the same roof. It should be clarified that this was not really like that in the postwar period. In truth, with the Baby Boom phenomenon, the growth of the birth rate, housing scarcity and the increase in the average of people per household, led to the majority of families in developed countries being composed of more than three people. This situation is reversed in the 80s...