definitions Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

definitions are as diverse as the authors who have considered establishing them, since each privileges the characteristics that seem more determinants.  Developing Edward n. Luttwak, for example, who in 1968 wrote a practical manual on how to perform a successful coup d'etat, uses a very simple functional definition: “A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then usedto displace the government from the rest of the apparatus ". This definition only contains two characteristics: it is done from within the state and the group that performs it must be small. To these two add a third in the form of a previous note, stating that the...

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definitions abound, and the search for a single definition of conflict that covers everything is a difficult effort. Therefore, the proper definition of conflict is largely a matter of personal experience and context. For a person, the conflict can appear as a state or situation, while, for another, the conflict can be conceived as a behavior or process. Simmel, in his text he will give meaning to the conflict that perhaps for many is not the one who is expected, so that he takes a turn from his perspective to what he means and brings with him to define the conflict. This is to some extent, that the conflict is a positive factor in socialization, not simply a disintegrating factor. It coordinates...

definitions about this concept called technology, where one of them is ‘the coordinated application of a set of skills knowledge in order to create a solution that allows the human being to meet their needs or solve their problems. On the other hand many people only associate technology with computers and software. However, it is related to different fields of science, computer science, innovation, discovery, invention and design, involving people, infrastructure, processes ’ With the passing of the years we have evidenced that it has had significant advances offering better living conditions for society. One of these is the possibility is to interact through networks or internet with equipment...

definitions that exist of the word culture, the sociologist Clifford Geertz defines “culture is not an entity, something that can be attributed in causal social events, ways of behavior, institutions or social processes;It is a context within which all these phenomena can be described in an intelligible way, that is, dense ”, in this sense Geertz means that culture is the description of each of the events that occur in every context, such as rules,Instructions dictated by governments, this whole series of mechanisms that govern man and form behaviors. However, everything is transformed and culture is not far behind, cyberculture comes to stay, but what is cyberculture?, Quiñones (2005)...

definitions, classifications, enumerations, calculations, reasoning, arguments and quotes, while the common language uses narratives, dialogues, exclamations and question.  Therefore, if you had to point out specific linguistic features of specialized language, three should be highlighted: objectivity, terminological coherence and precision.  As for the translation of specialized texts, it is important that the translator be documented, helping glossaries on the subject in question. Similarly, it is essential that you stay updated in everything related to the scope on which you have to work.  Finally, as already mentioned before, the translator must ensure that the translated text remains...

definitions of refugees and displaced people, since they are very similar and very different at the same time, since refugees are people outside our particular state, who in view of situations of vulnerability of their rights or For different causes that do not provide the necessary security to inhabit in peace, they see the need to abandon their residence and seek to settle in another nation that feels safe and can easily develop. These people regarding their particular immigration status in the Ecuadorian state are different requirements that citizens who wish to obtain residence must meet and all procedures must carry them out in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador; As for the displaced,...

definitions it is added that social changes can occur in various ways, so that some are created progressively and others are formed from other phenomena or circumstances. Another characteristic to add to social changes is that they can arise inside the community or be promoted by the ruling classes Social changes can be classified in very different ways, such as; Temporal, which can happen at different times, whether long or short According to the way they occur; They can be gradual or revolutionaries According to the impact they have; They can be renovators or destructive According to its origin; They can be endogenous or exogenous According to the nature of social changes; They can be...

definitions provided is that of Robles, who says that it is a technique of the financial administration with which the study, evaluation and projection of the financial statements of an organization or company is intended, visualizing the results in advance. It is a tool that tells us where the company has been, where it is now and where it goes. Rosillón, points out that the analysis of financial management lies in identifying the economic and financial aspects that show the conditions under which a company operates with respect to the level of liquidity, solvency, management and profitability, facilitating decision making within business activities. It is important to note that financial...

definitions, indicating that it is a search, that it is a systemic process applied to a phenomenon or reality. Developing. In research there are several approaches to know: the quantitative, qualitative and mixed approach (it is a combination of the two previous approaches). The Quantitative investigation It is a rigid, probative, sequential process based on positivism, is oriented to numerical verification, that is, data collection that will then be verified with statistical tools and that follows a systematic process that cannot be changed, for example, after A survey, it must be processed and analyzed, you cannot return to the respondent to request an additional question that you would like to...

definitions, we can find more inclined meanings to refer to the morality that each religion keeps, series of principles, beliefs, ways to achieve an end and response. Or perhaps, as the Bible would define the other religions: "It is of no use that they are worshiping me, because they teach doctrines that are mandates of men" (Mark 7: 7) .However, the approach of this essay intends, or at least tries, preserve a much more legal perception (and perhaps somewhat philosophical), in addition to contributing a bit of the point. Now, in the field of freedom, it is well known that it goes beyond doing what each one wanted and that is closer to the right to make decisions within the possibilities,...